Never-ending cycle

    Posted by TotherCanvas249


    1. Realistic_Olive_6665 on

      The US government was briefly able to balance its budget during the late 90s tech bubble in part due to higher than normal capital gains taxes at that time. It’s one of the areas that many government will look to to plug growing deficits. Canada just announced a capital gains hike, for instance, after years of loose monetary policy.

    2. fenriswulfwsb on

      Woe is me for now I must pay taxes on my gambling earnings the way a poor wage slave is taxed on their hard labor! What on earth is this world coming to?! It’s not like taxing capital gains appropriately would probably help solve the income inequality problem. Like most rich people don’t make most of their money through investment style income… Right?

      Your piddly $5 profit over 3 years of investing isn’t the target here.

    3. Yes and the asset stops me from being homeless or giving my money for shelter to a 3rd party. If the asset appreciates, guess what idiot I don’t pay CGT on it where I live, I sell up and have some Russian care worker service me and change my diaper. Fuck you

    4. The fucking inflation rate was sub 4% for close to 40 years.

      This is r/im14andthisisdeep territory

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