So I’m driving on the freeway and look back to check if there’s a car, double back and look in the mirror. Must’ve been a blind spot because I merge into a lane and cause the driver to swerve. He kept driving and I didn’t see a crash. So I thought everything was ok. Turns out he followed me to my destination and pulls over and says that me merging caused him to hit the median even thought there was no contact . He tells me that he has my plate and make and model and requested my insurance.I have never been in a situation like this before so I go ahead and give him my insurance. We exchange insurance and went on our way. He did not call the police so I’m assuming there was no police report filed. There was no contact between my car and his so I’m wondering what could happen next?

    No contact accident
    byu/oFLASHx inInsurance

    Posted by oFLASHx

    1 Comment

    1. Hot-Fix0465 on

      If he files a claim on your insurance it will probably be denied since there was no contact. 

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