GameStop Exposes the Big Stock Market Scam

    stock market’s rigged by whom by a combination of the stock exchanges the Big Wall Street Banks and high frequency traders who are the victims everybody who has an investment in the stock market GameStop GameStop GameStop it’s been a wild week over at the New York stock exchanges GameStop once again exposes what was just said the hidden scam Wall Street is rigged against well you after a three-year silence roaring Kitty the leader of the GameStop short squeeze from 2021 reappeared with just one meme post to his X account followed by like hundreds of memes but anyway we’ll back to that in a second that was all it took for gamestock and AMC stocks to begin ripping hard but New York Stock Exchange officials they were not in the mood for this kind of [ __ ] to help out the retail crowd they halted trading on gme and AMC stocks more than 50 times this week so what exactly is going on why has this character roaring Kitty returned and are we on the verge of another epic meme stock rally similar to 21 which of course could be very good indication for how the crypto markets could go moreover does this week’s trading halt confirm that the New York Stock Exchange and other us regulated markets are nothing more than vehicles for transferring money from your pockets to those The Fat Cats up on Wall Street well in today’s video we are going to break that down for you so let’s go let’s get it let’s get it guys we’re going to start by revisiting the great meme star doc rally of 2021 oh those were the times weren’t they everyone was in lockdown mode spending most of their hours sitting around at home watching YouTube videos on cryptocurrencies and stocks with a bit more cash than usual thanks to a little bit of that government kaching kaching slashing around well in 2020 conversation on the Wall Street bets subreddit started to develop floating the idea that gam stop was undervalued and that due to the crazy number of short positions out against the stock from some of New York’s largest hedge funds that there just might be a chance for retail traders to push up the price of gme much higher and to trigger a major short squeeze we just take a note to say gross these headed fund hedge funds always just shorting everything nuts anyway Central to this conversation was a Reddit member by the name of deep effing value otherwise known as roaring Kitty on YouTube and Twitter now roaring Kitty had purchased $50,000 of call options on GameStop back in 2019 he telegraphed his position out to the community and then helped to spearhead the GameStop movement so Wall Street bets members they got behind the trade they pushed GameStop’s price higher in January of 2021 this in turn that encouraged a larger retail crowd to follow suit because prices going up brings people in it all started going VI everybody was talking about it and then the short squeeze happened hedge funds were forced to buy back the shares that they had borrowed in order to stop the bleeding this in turn drove the price even higher giving more momentum to the entire trade and thus triggered even more short squeezes screwing over more hedge funds once the dust settled gme had pumped $2,900 from $4 to $120 before crashing back down to earth and a similar Patron played out with other meme stocks like AMC blackberry and Bed Bath and Beyond and the Damage Done to the New York hedge funds was extensive and they were pissed they were pissed man Melvin Capital Management lost 50% of their assets over the ordeal shorters ma’am they deserve it they required $2.7 billion cash infusion from their friends over at Citadel in 72 management Asset Management Citron research mapine Capital D1 Capital Partners also took on huge losses all in all the hedge funds lost about $5 billion in total suits lost money regular people made money now after a series of Investigations Congressional hearings and lawsuits yeah that’s what happened right the entire Saga faded into the background that is until early Monday morning which brings us up to date on our story when this character roaring Kitty who had been dark for the past three years posted the gamer leaning forward meme to his ex account AKA it’s time to focus guys and of course the Wall Street bets Community which by the way now has 16 million members they immediately picked up on the post and lost their minds then Monday’s New York Stock Exchange marabell opened a few hours later and booya Shaka Laka Binga bada boom gme surged Big Time rising at one point to a 58% gain within the day and then another 85% on Tuesday and of course AMC black Barry and several other meme cryptos actually like gme meme crypto an altcoin on the salana network I believe pumped like crazy as well now at the time of this recording prices have cooled off a little bit but not without the hudge funds starting to take a hit and to take notice and people getting pissed again in the big money suit World estimates are about 1.2 billion in shorts were wiped out from this week’s price action now before we continue I want to take just a quick moment here to let you know what the best damned newsletter in the cryptocurrency business happens to be newsletter it’s called wealth Mastery it’s absolutely awesome our readers love it and I’m sure you will too because every week we’re going to bring you the latest and the best happening in the market the top insights on airdrops altcoin news meme coins deep Dives nfts charts technical analysis and much much more you can join 125,000 plus weekly readers and sign up for free using the link Down Below in the description on YouTube or the pinned comment on X now back to the regular schedu programming now I don’t know about you but I’ve got some uh got some questions about this whole thing here first why has this character roaring Kitty returned all I can do is offer my theory because the only thing that we have seen from him since returning is just a continuous stream of memes and GIF [ __ ] posts on his ex account it’s actually getting kind of ridiculous just nonstop every like 15 30 minutes like a new whatever coming out on his account so there’s been no real explainer No statement nothing what’s the agenda what’s going on just hey I’ve started posting stuff from the back and look at the stocks going crazy so can only look at the details in front of us as we have them and that would be the gamestock short interest float or the percentage of total gme shares that have been loaned out to shorters you see gme’s float has been slowly creeping back up since of course the hedge funds got wiped out so dramatically back in 2021 they’re back for more pain according to research released from this week S3 Partners there has been a steady increase in short positions on gme since the beginning of this year and just before that character roaring Kitty made his return gme’s float hit 24% now to be clear this is nowhere close to gme’s float before the 2021 pump which was more than 100% at the time which is wild Bonkers how’s this stuff even happen anyway Wall Street games right however 24% still pretty gosh darn significant in fact the average short float for a us publicly traded company is 4.3% so gme was six times that by Monday’s opening bell so my theory right now is this roaring Kitty simply saw an opportunity to give the hedge funds another black eye and he took it and it worked this leads me of course to my next question are we on the verge of yet another face ripping mem stock rally similar to 2021 and of course if that happens it’s definitely going to rip up with meme altcoins you know I’m here for it but as of now let’s just cool our Jets a little bit and there’s two reasons for mem stock skepticism first you have to go back to the 24% float now compared to the over 100% float of 2021 the hedge funds simply aren’t overleveraged enough on their short positions in order for retail to really trigger that kind of 2021 style Mega crazy short squeeze that’s just the math guys just the math okay second the retail crowd today looks a lot more normal-ish as compared to 2021 when everybody was you know again locked in their homes everyone’s pretending to be day Traders all that kind of stuff people are back to jobs life’s continuing we’re not in those same kind of conditions things have kind of gone back to quote unquote normal having said that Wall Street bets 16 million people right they love gme super stunk subreddits all this kind of stuff they’re really really big and they represent some of the largest communities on Reddit so again there might be some more energy left in these meme star stock moves can’t bet against that now we will have to see what happens of course the last question for today obviously it’s all very interesting story but do this week’s events show us that the US Stock Market is so purposely rigged against retail well as mentioned earlier New York Stock Exchange officials halted trading on gme and AMC more than 50 different times this week it’s not the first time they’ve done this they’ve done this many times to made different stocks excess volatility there too much volatility guys stop trading now if we just look at this objectively the picture isn’t pretty here you’ve got a number of Wall Street hedge funds that have accumulated billions in short positions on these stocks and remember these guys are all just you know they have lunch together they’re hanging out New York Stock Exchange officials these guys they’re all going out to drinks together they all know each other right they’re all a little club and you ain’t in it oh you’re definitely not in that club but they are and just when retail decides to push prices in the opposite direction just push the stop button which of course helps the hedge funds not you but the hedge funds at minimum what absolutely can be said is that this is not a free market because a free market would let the participants Place their bets and Things Fall as they may let the chips fall see what happens what all this looks like to me of course is that the institutions they get the inside baseball they get to gutter the bumpers with their bowling well retail you get the the gutters it’s not very fair is it but that’s Wall Street wall Street’s never been Fair wall Street’s always been a US versus them kind of institution Wall Street has always been in it for themselves not for you and wall Street’s never been able to be trusted so why we start trusting them now of course they rigged the game in their favor in every way possible every single day possible and that’s the game and those are the odds that you play against it’s a great game to play but you have to understand the rules of the game and that yeah it is a rigged game doesn’t mean you can’t make money in that rigged game but you have to understand that this is what’s going on thanks for watching

    Discussing the latest GME and AMC meme stock rally, who caused it, where it’s headed, and what it shows us about the US regulated stock markets.

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    00:00 Intro
    01:27 2021 Meme Stock Rally
    04:18 2024 Meme Stock Rally
    06:00 Why Roaring Kitty Returned?
    07:51 Will 2024 Be as Big as 2021?
    09:04 Is the US Stock Market Rigged?

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    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


    1. After the trade halts and manipulation back in 2021, it was a clear indicator on how closed walled and rigged this system we live in is. I gave up on investing in stocks and started DCAing into Bitcoin through 2022. Not turning back now. lol

    2. There is no such thing as a "Meme" stock. What qualifies you to define what a "Meme" stock is, and why you are referencing a security with nomenclature designed to be disparaging? What is the on and off ramp for a "Meme" stock? These are all securities, and retail investors chose what they wanted to exist and what shouldn't in a free market. People invested in GameStop because they believed it will become something different, like a holding company. It was/is a very good value investment. Don't use the nomenclature of hate, some critical thinking is necessary in order to determine whom is right here. GameStop securities are not related to other securities, and there was no short squeeze, they pulled the plug on it. They did fix the market by delaying what they needed to pay GameStop investors. Get your facts straight before you make a video.

    3. You bet the US stock market is Rigged, compromised, corrupt, etc! The world can now confirm that it is! After 56 HALTS between AMC and GME there is NO more doubt IF there was by the World.

    4. You're misinforming your viewers. SEC report shows that short did not closed their position back in Jan 2021. The little squeeze was all from gamma ramp and people fomoing in. Roaring Kitty actually was a laughing stock in the WSB community until his thesis came true and his YT viewers are very small.

    5. the game is rigged , this game is so old. pls make a video anout people token. many dont know 25 procent is own by binance. and they liquidate ppl like crazy with it. the project is dead , devs gave up on it still is on futures on few big exchanges that have monopol over it

    6. The debut of a Bitcoin ETF signifies a pivotal moment in the cryptocurrency sphere, bridging digital currencies with conventional investment approaches. This advancement holds the potential to bring stability to Bitcoin prices and attract a more diverse group of investors, potentially driving up demand and value. Central to this transformative shift is Whitney Eston, whose profound comprehension of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has played a crucial role. her comprehensive investment strategy and dedication to staying informed about market trends position she as an invaluable ally in navigating this new era of cryptocurrency investment…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 532k in the space of a few months.

    7. Public information on short positions is just the tip of the iceberg. Swaps, options, hidden financial products that shorts the stock. That's the real iceberg

    8. The recent stock market rally has left investors questioning whether it's the end of the bear market or a sign of volatility to come, especially with traditional indicators like the inverted yield curve signaling caution. In such a climate, pivoting to the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies could be a wise move. Despite a potentially bearish stock market, the crypto market remains a hub of innovation and opportunity. Amidst this the insights of a knowledgeable guide like Ana Ortega can be crucial. Her expertise in navigating the nuances of cryptocurrency investments could be the key to understanding and making the most of these emerging financial trends.

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