I realized I’m neither good nor bad at this – I’m a cork on the ocean that is the market!


    Posted by jeflord


    1. Sir, with SPY soaring 28% this year, it seems your investment game might just be as effective as a screen door on a submarine!

    2. Puzzleheaded-Let-880 on

      If you still have the same amount of money after time has passed, you are bad. Inflation.

    3. TrippyAkimbo on

      I’m also in the same boat. Currently down a bit. I never make money, but I’m REALLY good at breaking even. “You never win, you just do a little better each time.”

    4. Express_Intern_1223 on

      Sometimes it gets me like that too try not to let it frustrate you and most importantly don’t listen to children on Reddit that will come out to try and talk s*** the best I can understand is people are jealous

    5. Temporary-Sun-7575 on

      the outline looks like those rock formations you see in the wild west. except this is paved with failure

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