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    2. Michael Burry likely anticipates an oil market rally, profiting from BP’s inevitable surge. A $150 barrel price could spur inflation and strain global economies, wreaking havoc on energy-dependent industries and markets.

    3. Plastic-Umpire4855 on

      So here was my thinking: he’s brought into BP their price will go up if oil goes up? What could make the oil go up?

      Greater Middle East conflict
      Russia makes gains on Ukraine
      China goes for Taiwan

      I can’t see anything else pushing oil up enough to make the gamble worth it?

      I can’t see either Biden/trump win makes massive difference OR labour win in UK will move oil much..

      Unless someone’s going to buy out BP?

    4. Idunno but over the last 10 years you’d have done pretty well counter trading a lot of his bigger industry focus plays.

      Also the most experienced trader I had the opportunity to briefly mentor under gave me great advice that I’ll never forget:

      ***”Never copy trade someone until you completely understand their play. Unless you know their end to end thesis, invalidation, and exit strategies, you can find yourself expecting to hit a home run while they’re setting up for a sacrifice bunt.”***

      If you can’t identify his time horizon on this or at least name one interesting thing about BP happening in Q2 or Q3, skip it.

    5. augustwestburgundy on

      Why would you not buy OXY since Berkshire has been buying it every quarter

    6. East_Pollution6549 on

      Shooting where the rabbit was?

      Isn’t the oil rally kinda mature by now?

    7. I got bp too undervalued into green energy so it has fcf and is transitioning to ev and cleaner energy ( bp pulse)
      Shells shifting green too

    8. Captaingrass on

      here’s a better idea, stop following and caring about what he does. Guy has been wrong more times than he was right.

    9. elpresidentedeljunta on

      If you think, there is a short term rise in oil prices, you buy oil. If you buy shares, you expect the companie´s shares to rise. Chevron is selling off it´s North Sea operations. Maybe he expects BP to get them at a discount price, since there is some chatter about big oil shunning Britain due to it´s windfall tax and the North Sea in general due to the more climate protective political climate in Europe.

    10. AppropriateStick518 on

      BP is wildly cheap by any standard and if it actually decides to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq or move its headquarters to the US the price is going to up massively. Burry is actually more bullish than he’s bearish it’s just that his bearish plays make head lines.

    11. I’m just overthinking that EV is not the answer. back to ICE vehicles. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    12. Large threats of conflict around the world + travel demand really.
      Ukraine losing the war means more strikes on Russia’s refining infrastructure as they attempt to slow the advance, the threat of china is ramping the us military up in the South China Sea to the point where there is a plan in place for us just waiting for them do something.

      Real war games shit

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