1. MidnightNick01 on

      Stop looking for short cuts and just get good.

      Or just walk into marketing conferences, no one checks those fucking tags anyways.

    2. Unless you have a specific goal in mind, it is a waste of time.

      I would even go as far as saying it is worse than just wasting time. Attending those events makes people feel they are working, but in reality they haven’t done shit.

    3. I would look 1. Facebook events, 2. Join a athletic club of similar people- or golf club or whatever club. Try to go on the cheap, go for drinks not eats. try to find people who would take you as a guest to the events, but network outside of the events at the #2 places Good Luck. – oh I skipped over the join a church, join the local political party, – thats common advice too.

    4. Dry-Acanthopterygii7 on

      What is the by-product you’re hoping to create from entering a venue, club, or event?

      What would be in it for them, and what is in it for you?

    5. I used to work at a golf course and, while it wasn’t the most prestigious, there were a few fat cats that attended the tournaments. But my dad played in and organized some charity tournaments that pulled in some big money and he has worked in his retirement on a private course that has some big names on it.

      Now, they don’t want to talk business on the course. But after a few drinks after the dinner, they’d be chatty. So you have to play it cool. Don’t appear to be a leach looking for bait. Just be a friendly person who they enjoy being around and you might earn yourself a few friends. Then, network between them if possible. And sometimes they’ll mention someone looking for a guy… it doesn’t always pan out so don’t push them on it but ask for the contact or give them your card to pass along.

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