I guarantee you because daddy laxman by next earnings call will either get his shit together or be fired and grandpa Shultz will replace him as CEO again. Also this time of year is always a weak season for Starbucks. Usually fall and winter months business picks up quite a bit because of popular seasonal drinks and items. Buying SBUX calls now is literally free money. If I’m wrong I’ll let a random user that comments below fuck my OF girlfriend for free.


    Posted by Adichu3690


    1. I wouldn’t hold my breath on this happening. But I hope it works out, and I will go a frapp tomorrow to try help out.

    2. matthewleehess_ on

      They pissed off Trump supporters, Biden supporters, and even Sanders supporters.

      They pissed off pro-Israel supporters, and also pro-Palestine supporters.

      They pissed off basically all of the religions.

      They are being crippled in states that are exacting higher minimum wages for service workers.

      Workers are fiercely attempting to unionize, and corporate just keeps shutting down stores that are affected. Overall just pissing off their entire workforce.

      Economy is pulling back, general public is tightening up their spending, and $10 fancy coffee drinks are the first thing to go.

      They’re restructuring stores to remove the “cafe” aspect. A lot are now standing-room only with zero seating. So they’re pissing off every student, remote worker, and so on that would be regular customers.

      Social media is *absolutely flooded* with nothing but hate and boycotts for them.

      What is it *exactly* that gives you hope for them, beyond the fact their stock price is hovering around an emotional number?

    3. Trade-Runner on

      I’m in a Starbucks often, and I can honestly say they’re making an outstanding bear case for themselves. The place is be coming more of a shit show daily.

      I come in for a coffee and leave thinking I should short the shit out of these people.

      I did that just before that last earnings, and I guessed right. SBUX is a mess. I see them falling further. Forget China, they’re getting beat out right here at home.

    4. Tasty-Window on

      No one can afford that shit anymore – haven’t you noticed that even in rich areas take out is suffering. You’re a dumbass, post your loss porn for us later.

    5. Stop smoking OP, I like the stock, but going over 100 by year end is a bit too much

    6. DeadByOptions on

      Dang I was thinking about doing this but I had no balls. Prolly still time to jump in though but now I can live through you. Good luck man.

    7. nofaplove-it on

      Inversing the commie boycotters is a good plan ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. RastaImp0sta on

      I think it’ll be pretty close to $100 within the next 12 months. Looking back, the chart shows support is around the $70 mark.

    9. I made my own nachos the other day because filibertos is charging 17 dollars for them. Good luck with something 100x easier to make yourself

    10. ProperPoem5476 on

      Why do you think so? Because that’s your break even price and expiration?😅

    11. I believe also, I just was working on a starbucks building and the traffic was 90% women and it was POPPIN!

    12. rejectallgoats on

      They are about to say they are an AI company and not a ~~~car~~~ coffee company.

    13. Bitter-Heat-8767 on

      I’m balls deep in Dutch Bros shares so obviously I’d love Starbucks customers to go to Dutch Bros instead. But I don’t have any Dutch Bros near me so I have to go to Starbucks. I’d say half the time my order is correct. And I get a simple iced coffee with cream and sweetener. Then the half of the time it’s actually right, it just tastes off. Almost like it was left out over night and is flat. But I do need to give Starbucks credit. I complained on their website a couple months back about the size of the font on the cups being too small because people kept picking up everyone’s cups to try to see if it was theirs. A couple weeks later, the names on the cubs were all in a bigger font.

    14. No chance. The competition from small coffee stores gets more intense every day.

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