I belong here


    Posted by Quiet_Replacement840


    1. AspiresToGrowWeed on

      how did you manage to get 330k to gamble away? i hope you come from money and you didn’t evaporate your retirement savings for the meme

    2. Randomly-Looking on

      21 gun salute for you. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. NewKitchenFixtures on

      I’m sure you’ll get it all back and more on your next option play.

      Though the leftover money would also let you buy a sweet bicycle instead.

    4. Striking_Economy5049 on

      I put $3k into an account to play around with while keeping my personal retirement fund far away from this stuff. I’m starting to think I don’t belong here

    5. IPanicKnife on

      At one point you were $100k down and said “watch me make it all back on this next pick” battered and bruised. Then you repeated the cycle 2 more times? You’re right. Welcome to the club

    6. Calloused_Mind on

      Gee goly! Bro I felt bad for losing 10k. You serve a purpose. That purpose is making me feel better for doing a yolo play into meme stonks. 😮‍💨😂

    7. nouserissave on

      Keep going it either ends in the red or green fuck it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. Fromundacheese0 on

      One of the biggest things that confuses me. Dudes have enough intelligence to make over 330k but are dumb enough to blow it

    9. proteenator on

      I think we should have a new WSB rule where if anyone posts a P/L of 100k+ , should be very seriously scrutinized for authenticity. Some of the more recent posts on this sub are making me feel very very poor. I strongly think the rich only lurk in WSB and never post. The posters are sus.

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