I made $10k this week(pic below) playing volatility on meme stocks with trailing stop losses. This is the first time I’ve ever seen green on my screen even tho I’m still down all time. What would you guys do this week to make that -12k back??Asking for a regard


    Posted by Weak-Raisin8327


    1. I would suggest investing in index funds and forgetting about it; for someone of his intellect, that’s all he can hope for.

    2. Chart-trader on

      Stop doing options man. One option is to just invest in S&P 500 funds and not touch stocks ever again. Another option is to just watch how to make money slowly but still have fun trading a little bit but with way less leverage. r/Beat_the_Benchmark

    3. 2 options:

      1. Sell it all, buy SPY.

      2. Keep going with options and lose it all

      You’re an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s doing.

    4. 2 schools of thought for people to learn from. StockedUp on YouTube and discord
      Gerald peters @fullauto11 on instagram and YouTube.

      For short term and long term stocked up but mainly short term stocked up.

      for long term dca dividend stocks Gerald. He has free ebooks too.

    5. OP, you know the answer in your heart… it’s 0dte.

      0dte can turn that 27k to 540k.

    6. strongest_nerd on

      -31% “I profited for the first time ever” – do you know what profit means?

    7. justlooking9889 on

      Buy deep ITM ARM leaps and hold till Aug 7, sell ARM buy Boxx, hold until October 27, buy ARM again hold until Jan 2026 sell. Use cash to buy high quality horses and cows. Barter with Amish to take you in. Now you may survive AGI day, Feb 4 2026. Good luck.

      Or just buy Berkshire or QQQ. Idk.

    8. a-noble-gas on

      Go read “The Biggest Secret on Wall Street” on Amazon. It will help you keep that money

    9. TryhardNobody on

      Get asts when it comes down some more. Volume this week should be interesting 

    10. These meme stocks are like strippers man. Enjoy the sudden rides but don’t marry it.

    11. FuckedUpImagery on

      Why dont you do an option that expires in 2025 instead of at 4pm? Hmmm?

    12. Disastrous-Peak-4296 on

      By coming to this sub, I can assure you, you’ve taken the first step in the wrong direction.

    13. We all make mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself for your transgressions and your port shall soon be red once again.

    14. Top_Cranberry_3254 on

      ASTS spike there..Nice. Wish I exited sooner or sold at 5.05. Still a nice win.

    15. GermainCampman on

      Loving all the failure porn. Also, I could be your broker, I promise to lose less money for a small fee

    16. Just go long anything you feel like going long on. You will get returns, if it is negative or positive returns, a return is a return.

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