Definitely Qatari Royal Family

    Posted by Synfinium


    1. holy shit idk if this is the most regarded thing or the guy is the smartest MOFO alive but only time will really tell

      Im leaning towards regard

    2. opaqueambiguity on

      Yeah, sure, why not, fuck it.

      As a gambler, you gotta respect the sheer illogical audacity. 4 weeks to 5x and youre still at breakeven, 200 IQ play for sure.

    3. The_Juice_Gourd on

      BBBY is not even publicly listed, this is BEYOND regarded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. abatwithitsmouthopen on

      OI on those calls are almost 3k and that person would be half the volume for the whole day for those calls. Not the worst way to blow up $1M not the best way either

    5. Narradisall on

      Gaming and mobiles? Some sort of mobile gaming company?

      Wait, you’re telling me BB don’t make phones anymore! That only makes this more compelling!!!

    6. essentialgrowth on

      So that is who bought them calls and made people excited … an autistic ape, game on!

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