So this is how the story of most regards here goes – Put in some money – Get some ape first timer luck gains and try and replicate it for the next trade. Fail spectacularly but keep trying – End up losing most of your capital. Complain that you cannot afford any more SPY calls and REFILL your account.

    See THATS your problem. Don't refill. If you're really good (and/or getting better as your ape brain is telling you), you should be able to convert $1 to $2. $2 to $4. $4 to $8 – You get the drift. You were dumb enough to lose the first 10k you put in. Now that additional 10k that you refilled is not giving you additional brains. Go and play with the leftover $3.5 and earn your way back up. And if you can't then thank me that your all time loss is just a fraction of your net worth as opposed to your entire net worth + all your + your wife's + your wife's boyfriends maxed out credit cards.

    I am not sure whether to flair this as discussion or meme. Mods please guide me. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    The secret to not losing a lot of money is is to not re-fund your brokerage account
    byu/proteenator inwallstreetbets

    Posted by proteenator


    1. Only the scum of the earth would seek investing advice from random strangers on the internet. Good day to you.

    2. Mine rmmrr m reignited refind the brokey account just like w some other account gift tmtm. Gt

    3. I concur! Process should be in trading. You start with 500-1k you then are able to double or triple your investment next step taking the profits made on your initial, and you make another play using that 500-1k started with. If you lose on the next play, then you work with what’s remaining, restructure your play until you recover. If you lose everything, then you can re-up your account and repeat the process.

    4. throwaway_0x90 on


      I say at least let yourself an annual 1k(or 5k if you can afford it) deposit for gambling in January and if you blow it, that’s the end of your gambling year

    5. Cautious_Possible_18 on

      My ape brain did learn, I stopped refilling. But I had no dollars left. Coulda been rich by now.

    6. ImWellEndowed on

      I’ve always wanted to yolo 100k to make 10x to a milly. When I think about this I check myself and ask why I can’t turn 1k into 10k

    7. Noregertsss on

      I heard refund which has re in it like the word refill which I will be doing to my brokerage account

    8. Lillobillo02 on

      Yeah, same here, invested in SP500 before the all time high while it was falling, I figured it was going to skyrocket shortly, I was right but I was a couple of days early. Stop loss fucked me up and I ended up loosing half of the capital. It took me almost a year, but now I’m back to my original amount and a bit more.

    9. Agent_Persuasion on

      The “BIG BRAIN” move is to deposit 3k because that’s the highest short-term loss you can claim for your taxes 🧠

    10. barbaric_engineer on

      Now imagine you have learned from your mistakes and you have turned “$1 to $2. $2 to $4. $4 to $8”
      It would be 80k if you had “refilled”.

      So no. Keep trying. Keep refilling.

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