Will I ever recover?


    Posted by saf715


    1. ApexTrader616 on

      As long as you put more money in. You seem to be getting the hang of it now. Just keep putting your money in 

    2. There’s always a little spike where I bet the OP felt, for just a fleeting moment, that he was going to recover

    3. Yes. All in OTM NVDA options on Monday morning at market open.

      Go $40-50 otm calls and puts. If it rallies Monday, sell half the calls. If it rallies more Tuesday sell all the calls.

      Then hold onto the worthless puts and hope for a crash later in the week.

      You’ll easily get a 5 or 10 bagger.

      I’ll send you my Venmo feel free to tip me $1,000 when you’re back up to $100k next Friday.

    4. professor_chao5 on

      What’s with all these lazy ass posts showing huge losses. Can you give us at least a sentence on your positions or wtf happened?!

    5. Mylifeisacompletjoke on

      Just keep gambling brother. May the odds be forever in your favor

    6. It’s not about recovering what you lost. These are the stakes and you’re not owed a recovery. It’s about going forward a better, smarter investor than before and whatever you earn from that, if anything, let’s be real, than that’s what it is.

    7. Did you provide us with your positions or strategy? How are we to comment without this . . .? Why would you seek “feedback” without providing this basic info . . . ?

    8. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      You put 123k into it. Do it again.
      If you aren’t learning that’s when I have no sympathy.

    9. Only way to find out is to roll them dice with the last 10k.
      You can put 1.2 k in dividends as well so you can have at least one green investment.

    10. AnonymousUser2700 on

      Sure. You just need to achieve a 900% return on your current balance. Hopefully next time you won’t try to make a quick buck. Gambling doesn’t usually end well.

    11. CoatAlternative1771 on

      God damn. I’ve lost $700 in options and these people have lost entire savings.

    12. OrderlyProfits on

      Not if you keep trading and messing with options. This is the side of trading your social media trading influencers hide from you. This is how most traders end.

    13. LostRedditor5 on


      It takes on avg 6.5-7 years to double your money in S&P

      So 11k is 22 in 7 years

      It’s 44 in 14 years

      It’s 88 in 22 years

      Then about 3 years more. So 25 years of reasonable investing will recover what you lost.

      You could try to gamble your way back but you can google break even math and see how as you lose the win % needed to break even gets much much larger than the loss %

    14. 800username on

      You can recover and double your income if you reserve a spot behind the Wendy’s dumpster

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