1. Sucked-Off-JPOW on

      Just need to reduce BBs market cap by 2/3 so it’s considered a micro pp

    2. DesignerSea494 on

      Beautiful day to get some work done outside. Or… I could BS on Reddit some more.

    3. Mediocre-Gas-3831 on

      Shareholders: ELMO we need a new car design!

      Elmo: 👃______________

    4. Yogurt_Up_My_Nose on

      you know. I’d love to hear a real discussion between experts on Public Train Transportation in the US vs Flying. personally, I don’t think there’s space for us to efficiently have a bullet type train, maybe on the coasts, but it would likely cost 4x as much as a flying. Flying currently is still way cheaper than the train for many locations. granted it would encourage competition, but Airlines margins are already so low , I just don’t see it viable.

    5. I’m playing the fool to fool the fool who thinks he’s fooling me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    6. _Zap_Rowsdower_ on

      Is Raisin Canes woke with the One Love sign at the top of the register? Maybe buy puts.

    7. My phone is trying to make me use Gemini and I don’t give af I’m telling yall AI is just Clippy 2.0

    8. Consistent-Platypus3 on

      Iran’s president is probably dead. This brings me so much joy. Have a great rest of your Sunday, everyone.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    9. I love when governments get insulted by others progress.

      UUSR first in space? Let’s take the space budget from $40M to $45 billion

      Ford can’t beat Ferrari even as a commuter car?

      Fuck it, let’s spend 1.5 billion in research to beat Ferrari, and they did

    10. the_sound_of_a_cork on

      It’s so crazy that BB is holding up the entire world economy. Crazy times.

    11. MustardRelishMan on

      US economy operates on boom bust cycles. We haven’t had a decent bust in a while. Covid didnt count cuz they fought it with regarded levels of stimmy.

      As long as shit like CVNA and DJT are valued in the billions no bol is safe 

    12. im-doing-it-again on

      Gold silver and other commodities are what u need to watch when shyna opens

    13. cryptoguy66 on

      Gonna take me and the dog for a 5 mile run then go to the beach bar for a margarita or 3. Hope y’all are having a good Sunday too

    14. Disastrous_Dot_6941 on

      Pretty funny that im sat here like a sack of potatoes sipping irn bru, smoking a shitty vape and doom scrolling netflix all whilst voting for the nvda agm.

      Might go look out a tie just cos

    15. millennial-snowflake on

      If you die in a helicopter crash … You deserve it. Fuckin whirly birds of doom for rich people and expendable military personnel only ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    16. ClydeFrogsDrugDealer on

      Mods need to set up a voluntary poll: est. portfolio value and compare the results to the valuation of RDDT.

      I think that’d be neat. I’m also pretty baked ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

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