Where to buy calls?


    Posted by badfishbeefcake


    1. Durumbuzafeju on

      In the eighteen-hundreds in England pineapples were so expensive, that people rented them instead of buying. For a fixed amount of money they could keep the pineapple at home for a few days, show it to their friends.

    2. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      Make sure to turn that pineapple upside down to find the right party.

    3. BinkyBoy_07 on

      In Japan luxury fruit has been a thing for awhile due to a lack of good farmable land, that said I don’t think it’s $400 there

    4. If we’re bringing this shit from Japan can we also get a deflationary economy please?

    5. karatebullfightr on

      For four hundred bucks that pineapple better be able to blow me and put a finger in my arse how I like.

    6. elpresidentedeljunta on

      I don´t care, if some people eat 400 Dollar pineapples, as long as everyone can afford a burger and a beer…

    7. kellendontcare on

      We can’t afford normal pineapple wtf makes you think I can afford a $400 one.

    8. Healthy_Razzmatazz38 on

      Is a health, wealth, and attention obsessed intragram culture ready for $400 fruit.


    9. Well that’s were the Republicans want you , 1950 and ass up, well and barefoot. Mmmm I can’t wait to not pay support… js

    10. GiraffeChaser on

      I won’t even pay $400 for a damn hooker wtf I’m gonna pay that for sugar water?!

    11. Testing123xyz on

      I have bought pink pineapple from a local Asian grocery store for under $10 bucks what is this $400 one they are talking about

    12. No_Doughnut_5057 on

      I get charging a premium on a newly bred fruit, but $400 is insane. I guess that is the point though. It’s attention grabbing and some one will buy it purely for the price

    13. To be fair, it is still less expensive per kg than caviar. Caviar used to be cheap

    14. Aggravating-Emu-6668 on

      WSJ ran an article about this. I bought the $7 strawberries. They were good.

    15. With luxury fruit, come luxury swinger parties…. Remember that Peter

      -uncle ben

    16. EifertGreenLazor on

      But can an underwater sponge afford to buy it to live in it or can they only rent it?

    17. I’m convinced that this shit is marketed to just take money from influencers

      “I tried the $400 Pineapple and you WILL NOT believe what it tasted like”

    18. StopWhiningPlz on

      Stupid people with more money than sense will always be looking for the next thing. This fits.

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