Crypto Bull Run Guide – Huge Hidden Danger For Investors

    this is a huge hidden danger for cryptocurrency investors particularly for crypto right now I guess you could apply this to any investing but really crypto right now and a lot of you are definitely going to fall victim to it let me lay out the scenario here for you so you’ve done it okay you did well you bought your altcoins low they soared to Wild valuations you are officially a genius you’re rich as man and so it’s time to go out and start spending some of that hard-earned money you’ve been in the trenches the meme coin trenches you survived you’re going to buy the Rolex you’re going to get the new car you’re going to take the family to Disneyland you are living the life there’s just one problem you haven’t actually sold your coins yet have you nope didn’t do it your paper wealth has gone up a lot you feel rich so you’re spending big on the credit cards because you’ll cash out later going to go up more you’re a genius remember but you’re actually about to lose it all because as soon as the markets turn you will be saddled with huge debt and no way to pay it back because that wealth that you thought that you had a few weeks ago gone the market has taken your money away and it happens a lot faster than you’re going to realize now you don’t feel like a genius anymore do you no now you feel like an idiot how am I going to pay for all this stuff what I’ve just described is the wealth effect this is a behavioral economic theory suggesting that consumers tend to spend more when their wealth increases even if their income does not and I know that right now you might feel excited about how high your bags are going to soar during this bull market you’re well positioned you’re ready to go and yes it is very exciting but I need you to remember a few very important things because danger lurks in your portfolio there be monsters okay the odds are heavily against you and no I’m not just talking about Bitcoin here although if you are holding Bitcoin through the spyes then obviously you need to expect insane volatility but the odds of holding your altcoins and doing well through Cycles is bad coin gecko reported earlier this year that over 50% of cryptocoins have failed completely and my guess is that for the remaining 50% the 90% of those are completely functionally dead they are just zombies on life support that for some unknown reason are still trading on exchanges they’re never going to come back they’re never going to reach new highs nobody cares about those coins anymore of the top thousand crypto coins which actually have some kind of trading volume and some kind of market cap market caps about about $20 million most of those are going to die horrific painful deaths in the bare Market most will go down 99% most will never recover in the next cycle of the whole Market there might be four or 500 halfway decent coins even the coins that are the big things right now will still go down 99% look at this historical Snapshot from the peak of the 2017 bull market all these coins on here if you weren’t here have to understand all these coins at the time were the new paradigm of money the big things that would go up forever and revolutionize the crypto space a few years later almost none of them are even mentioned anymore you might not even know most of these names most altcoins will go through that exact thing Verge for example was the 16th biggest cryptocoin a day of the snapshot ah goodness gracious here’s the chart now after 2017 after that Peak it was done it never saw new highs in 2021s bull market not even close now it’s functionally dead although for some unbelievable reason someone somewhere on some obscure exchanges are still trading Verge for gosh knows what reason even for the coins that do and will likely to continue survive multicycle you still need to accept disgusting volatility for example Dogecoin it went down 90% in the last bare market and that’s an altcoin that did well in the bar Market will it make new highs this cycle my guess is probably and while this lineer chart that I just shared makes it hard to even see Dogecoin has actually been doing pretty good over time steadily just going up over time because it’s the most popular meme coin out there it’s a winner here’s a logarithmic chart here to show you what I mean by that now even Bitcoin even ethereum they drop by 70 to 80% during a bare market and they’re the strongest coins in the market holding those is the path to least pain but most altcoins will drop 90 to 95% and those are the winners the ones that are going to survive multicycle the losers which are going to be most of your altcoins are going to go down minus 99.99999% you still feeling the wealth effect Vibes still feeling like a genius probably not because everyone’s a genius in the bull market and everyone’s an idiot in the bare Market unless unless you actually do do the genius thing and you get the heck out before the market collapses and you click the damn sell button before we talk about that I want to let you know this every week my team and I are writing the wealth Mastery newsletter report the best damn newsletter in the crypto business my newsletter so I’m a bit biased when I say that but it is damn true that we have an excellent newsletter let us help you stay ahead of the curve and save your time my team of writers and I spend 40 hours plus a week writing this bad boy there’s weekly reports and altcoins charts news of course newsletter aird drops nfts and much much more you can join 125,000 plus weekly readers who love it and I’m sure you will too for free by the way using the link in the description or the PIN to comment over on X now that you know what the situation is what the odds are for you the question is how do you win and how do you make sure that you actually cash out and make those life-changing gains first I want you to etch this into your brain get a tattoo of it or something write it on your wall if you have life-changing money on the table change your life otherwise what’s going to happen to you is you will end up being a salty bag holder lurking in dead telegram groups during the bare Market otherwise known as a community member right everyone else going to be out living the life that you should have had not everyone actually most people won’t be but some guy will be he will be living that life anyway the first step to not falling victim to the wealth effect trap is to understand the wise words of my old nobs farmer dad when he told me son if you haven’t sold then you ain’t made until you click the cell button nothing is real it’s all just a figment of your imagination the wealth only exists in your mind and that is wildly dangerous never spend what you do not have you are 100% your worst enemy here by the way in the same way that your lizard brain is going to tell you to buy byy byy byy buy when the he price is high and to sell sell sell sell sell when the price is low will also convince you that you are somehow actually rich because you take your phone oh wow look I’m rich you see the numbers on the screen they say that I’m rich but in truth you are not rich the vast majority of people in this market will do one of these two things and I need you to understand this so that you cannot do this they will either a buy the top and sell the bottom that’s probably most people or B smaller group of people still big group of people they will buy low fail to sell the top and then sell the next bottom thus round tripping their bags likely fumbling millions of dollars in unrealized gains or at least hundreds of thousands for most investors the only person who will win in the market is this person the person who buys and then sells high and when that has happened will you be able to enjoy your wealth you’re wealthy now you did it you you beat the odds stop stop stop stop stop there’s more danger we’re so close because guess what your money it’s not really your money is it no it’s only partially yours because guess what there’s somebody else wants to put their hand in your pocket and take what you got that’s the government government mayam they’re coming for a money they do it’s another massive mistake that most people make and you were doing so well you bought low you sold High okay you avoided spending before before you actually took profits and then comes the damn tax man man now depending on where you live that Taxman is going to want anywhere between 25 to 50% of the money that you made and likely there will be some unexpected surprises for example if you sold ethereum for an altcoin then you’ve got to pay taxes on that ethereum sale if you sold at a profit okay so you have to be sure that you have exactly figured out how much money you owe to the taxman before you spend a penny of your money that you cashed out because it’s not your money until the attacks are figured out now if you may it this far then congratulations now you have some wealth now you’re good to go right B but wait a second can’t really store your wealth in Fiat long term as Michael sailor says people who store the wealth in Fiat we call those people poor because when you hold Fiat guess what you’re guaranteed to lose every single day as the central bank money printers continue to devalue your cash Holdings Fiat only goes down the only way to win of course is to stay in the game to diversify though is important when you have wealth some cash is needed yes short-term cash is fine but you’re also going to want to explore stuff like gold real estate dividend stocks long-term Bitcoin too and this is a big butt here the best time to sell your altcoins will not be a great time to buy Bitcoin for long-term wealth preservation you’re going to want to wait for a much deeper brutal correction before taking some of that Fiat some of those altcoin profits and then trading it in for Bitcoin for long-term wealth protection don’t screw it up guys I know know you can do this I know you can beat the odds that you’re not going to fall into these traps that most people fall into and that you will be able to have the financial Independence and Financial Freedom that I think we’re all here for thanks for watching

    Crypto Bull Run Guide – Huge Hidden Danger For Investors

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    00:00 Intro
    01:11 Wealth Effect
    01:36 The Dangers
    05:13 How You Can Win

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    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.


    1. I’m all in Fourprimes token this is one of the greatest looking coins, base will take over and Aerodrome will be bigger than uniswap one day

    2. I’d argue that β€œround tripping” your bags is necessary in one particular scenario.
      If A: your state has a very high tax percentage.

      And B: you are somehow bullish on your altcoin surviving into next cycle.

      Then by all means, buy low, turn it into a long term investment, and enjoy the significantly lower taxed gains, if your coin manages to last into next cycle. πŸ‘

    3. Oh man, I was so big on Dash and EOS. Dash with its crazy 1000 TPS speeds, which would revolutionize the blockchain. EOS with its ability to code in C++…hahaha…

    4. I honestly don't think there will be much of a bear market for Bitcoin and Ethereum (if Ethereum gets an ETF). If both get ETFs, they're going to be like gold.

    5. For those who have the ears πŸ‘‚ this is absolutely precious advice you that you can’t get from any influencer especially during bull market. Thank you,Lark!!

    6. Bitcoin is on its way to breaking records, getting closer to hitting new high prices, showing that it's gaining more value and could go even higher than we've seen before. This could mean great things for people looking to invest, suggesting now might be a good time to get involved before it jumps even higher. It's an exciting moment that could change the game in general…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3B'tc to a decent 27B'tc….At the heart of this evolution is Linda Wilburn, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. Her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

    7. Thanks Lark. This answers my question the other day. How to play the top. Although, some more ideas on how to play the top. Is there any way to short the top? Thus insuring gains and minimising Capital gains?

    8. I had problem comprehending trading in general. I tried watching other YT trading channels, but they made the concepts more complicated. I was almost giving up until when I discovered your channel. I love the way you break down the content and explain everything in detail. The videos are easy to follow

    9. I hate this new β€˜F’ trend in crypto. πŸ˜• But I do appreciate the info you share, Sir Lark. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»

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