My digital marketing agency hasn’t worked out as despite sending over 20,000 prospecting emails and calling I haven’t been able to get clients and build the business. Only had 2/3 clients since I started over the last year or so. This is my 3rd business failure but also haven’t been able to get a job for over a year now.

    So you can say I’m F***ed. The job market here in UK is messed up and many others are also going 8 months to 1 year plus on the job search without having a job offer.

    I’ve worked so hard in my life just to not progress and get anywhere, I’ve invested my life and so much knowledge and experience in business just to not have a successful business and can’t get a job either so in a bad financial situation. I’ve gotten used to coping for a while now but I’m so fed up and exhausted.

    Fed up & exhausted, business hasn’t worked out & can’t get a job either.
    byu/Character-Lab-8475 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Character-Lab-8475


    1. redditplayground on

      Sounds like you have determination which is great but lack hard skills. I’ve been there. With your grit though I’m sure you could easily get a cold calling job or door knocking job and sell windows or pest control or something that people make bank at. That would help your financial situation and give you some skills and insights into an industry.

      Your agency didn’t work out because people don’t believe whatever you’re telling them. So you gotta go get evidence so that they believe you.

      You do this by getting a job and working in an industry or by school of hard knox but if you have no money, you should opt for the job.

    2. Acrobatic-Ice-3307 on

      Try going to the businesses In person and offering your services that way, look at their social media platforms, are they low quality and inconsistent, are there google maps images poor, could you provide better quality and manage their digital presence for them? If so why not ask to do it for them in person?

    3. sidehustle2025 on

      What jobs are you applying for? Maybe lower your sights for now just to get an income coming in.

    4. BlackPaperHearts on

      Have you read any books on personal development, mindset, or communication,connecting, and developing relationships with people? I find these are consistently read and found useful by the most successful people in business.

    5. Seems like my own story. In my entire career spanning 10 years, I was among the top performers in my domain. But then I quit in 2018 and started a business in 2019. It was running okay but the covid lockdown made sure I suffered huge loss and closed down my business. Between 2020 to 2023 I regularly applied for more than 800 jobs but got only 3 interview calls in those 4 years. I was not selected in those 3 interviews as well. I didn’t have a single penny left in my bank account. I literally begged the companies. I wrote them that I need only my food, stay and travel expenses and I will work for them full time. Yet, no-one offered me any work. This experience was so painful and insulting that I vowed never to apply for work in any company. Right now I am trying to get any financial help so that I will start with a small business to feed myself. But that’s also not happening. I have asked Friends, banks, known, unknown but everyone is declining to help.

      Nobody can know how I am feeling each day over these 4 year periods. But I am hopeful someday I will be able to arrange the capital and build my business.

    6. MethuselahsCoffee on

      In the last few years the market has been flooded with people like yourself starting “digital marketing agencies.” The ones I know who do well do so through networking. They go to interesting events where their target market is and they make friends.

      In a place like London there will be plenty of meetups for startups, fintech, design…. Whatever. Start hanging out and don’t be pushy or desperate.

    7. >My digital marketing agency hasn’t worked out as despite sending over 20,000 prospecting emails and calling I haven’t been able to get clients and build the business. Only had 2/3 clients since I started over the last year or so.

      This is one of the few posts which demonstrates what pluck and optimism can accomplish in a business and market vacuum. Everyone should know what can be accomplished with the wantrepreneur myths as your guide.

      >so much knowledge and experience in business

      At long last I can use my ‘internet word’ …Wut? This is why we can’t have nice things here. Every single word is taken, twisted, bastardized. I am curious to find out how failure isn’t the steppingstone to success everyone says it is. I suspect failure doesn’t directly equal experience unless the catalyst of insightful realization is present.

      >I’ve worked so hard in my life

      I would like to get details on what you did to prepare yourself, how you conducted this, which books you followed to-the-letter. Because either a huge chunk of the information touted in this and other forums is thoroughly defective. Or this is a standard plain vanilla “Just Do It” business fling. From your account it’s difficult to tell.

      It’s always painful and exhausting when things don’t work out. There comes a point when assessing your past three failures for a common thread of things going undone is mandatory in progressing beyond rather than continuing the past. A radical departure in mindset and approach is called for.

      You may be exhausted enough for meaningful change to become appealing.

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