Hey Everyone, thanks for reading this..

    About 3 weeks ago when picking my daughter up from school, I got rear ended by another person picking up a child. I got out of the car to exchange insurance, and she took off. I got back in my car, called 911, followed her through a residential neighborhood, and then she took a turn too fast and hit a parked truck. Police came and arrested her for child endangerment.

    Fast forward to now-Come to find out her and I both have AAA insurance, but have different claims specialists

    I’m looking to cash out my property damage claim. My adjuster for my full coverage says they’re approved to release a 12k two party check (high estimate I got from the fancy body shop in town) to me and capital one (my leinholder)

    But my understanding is that the bank (c1) will require me to get repairs done via the body shop that’s listed on the claim.. I called them and they sent me a letter saying to send them the check and they’ll endorse it for cash out, but I feel like that’s asking for hiccups and headaches.

    I owe 18k on the car and do have the ability to pay it off now if I have to, in order to get a 1 party check.

    But my question is: If I approach this matter as a claimant, instead of a policy holder- and I contact her adjuster instead of mine, while threatening a lawsuit, could I potentially get a 1 party check and cash it?

    Car is almost completely fixed by my PDR guy and some touch up paint.. I can live with it and would be not worried about it at all with an extra 12 piece in my pocket. I’m also quite certain I’ll just sell the car because I don’t want this tweaker lady seeing me at the school and causing a scene. This is the last week of kindergarten so the dust should settle by next semester.

    My adjuster also states that other party accepts full responsibility for the accident.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Definitely trying to pull a shimmy here and get some cash to keep up with the economies rising tides.

    Thanks in advance!

    Got rear ended by a tweaker that has the same insurance company as me.. Now looking to cash out..How to navigate this?
    byu/Lucho138 inInsurance

    Posted by Lucho138

    1 Comment

    1. OptimismByFire on

      Oh boy, you’re about to get flamed.

      Please understand that a lot of what you put in this post is riddled with misinformation. You are not alone, insurance is widely misunderstood.

      A few points that I hope will help:
      1) The check amounts and payees will be the same no matter what.
      2) Threatening a lawsuit will change absolutely nothing as far as your property damage. It will not change your settlement even $1 if you get an attorney. It will only cost you money.
      3) I don’t know what “pull a shimmy here” means. Help me understand?
      4) Does your settlement offer include a deductible? If not, you are already filing under the other party’s insurance policy.

      The short version is that you already have your two options. Threatening lawyers, talking to a different adjuster, whatever other antics, none of these things will change your options.

      I wish I could be more helpful. Wishing you a swift and equitable resolution.

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