How do I find out how much it’s going to cost to insure delivery drivers for my family’s restaurant. The sites I’ve found so far want me to give a bunch of info but I just want a roundabout number. I’m in Oakland California if it matters. Again, sorry if this is like the easiest thing to find I’m not great with looking stuff up and thank you in advance!

    I’m sorry if this is a dumb and easily searchable question.
    byu/spitsisthename inInsurance

    Posted by spitsisthename

    1 Comment

    1. You won’t get any sort of reliable quote without giving a lot of detailed info. “Garbage in = garbage out.” Instead of doing the legwork for yourself, find a local broker who writes commercial policies. They’ll tell you what info you need to present, you give it to them once, and let them do all the leg work. This really isn’t a task you can complete accurately and meaningful by conducting your own internet search – there are too many variables.

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