Red Lobster is bankrupt, where do I go now after I upgrade from Wendy’s Dumpster

    Posted by Flares117


    1. Handful of red lobsters near me closed the other day and just didn’t let their employees know at all. People showed up to work and the place was closed.

    2. briefadventure411 on

      I’m not surprised. So many crab focused restaurants opened near me recently and they seem to have taken away business from Red Lobster.

    3. I don’t understand how this shit is even legal. First you buy a controlling stake in a company, then sell all it’s real estate to yourself, then lease it back to them at unsustainable rates and wait for the stock to implode while you count your millions in profit made by explicitly screwing the other 49% of investors who couldn’t do anything to stop you. It’s kind of crazy.

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