I got into an accident where I was in a one lane highway with a turn lane to my left. I was getting into the turn lane, maneuvering left, when the lady right behind me rear-ended me. She was in the through lane right behind me, not in the turn lane. I suffered no major injury apart from whiplash and neck pain for which i resorted to a chiropractor and some pain medication.

    My medical bills were around 800$. The liable party's insurance presented me with 1400$ saying they accept 60% liability of bills (480$) and rest is for pain and suffering. When I asked them why they aren't covering 100% of my bills they said it's because I'm 40% liable due to "driver inattention and straddling of lanes"

    Should I try to argue this or should I just accept this payment? Not sure how this works but I wasn't straddling lanes, just trying to get into the turn lane when the other party rear ended me in the through lane(I was half in turn lane, half in through lane)

    Liability- Auto accident claim
    byu/AdMoney6965 inInsurance

    Posted by AdMoney6965


    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      Argue with what exactly? Unless unless you have video footage or witnesses statement, you can’t really prove one statement over the other.

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