Trump Media lost more than $300 million last quarter on very little revenue

    Posted by breadlover96


    1. throwaway_0x90 on

      >*”The company generated just $770,500 of revenue, marking the second-straight quarter where its revenue totaled less than $1 million.”*

      Can’t even buy a home in California bay area with that. So then what are the employees getting paid? Are there any employees?

    2. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      If you show revenue, people will ask how much. And it will never be enough.

    3. Perhaps it’s there to launder money and not make money.

      It wouldn’t be the first time media companies were used like this.

    4. elpresidentedeljunta on

      Wait a second: Didn´t they have just about 300 million Dollar in the first place? Are they going broke, before they delist?

      edit: Ok, most seem to be the usual Trump Balance sheet tricks. Operational losses of 12 million, some of which may be explained with special circumstances. But about 770 thousand Dollar of revenue seems to be a drop, considering, that in 2023 they had 4 million in total. And operating costs aren´t going to drop, when they launch their next big looser scheme with the streaming service. For comparison: Their CEO alone earns 750.000 Dollar annually…

    5. purpleplatipuss on

      Priced in…. Just kidding. This stock is where hard drugs go to take harder drugs.

    6. At this point the company could go bankrupt and the stock would still be at 40-50.

    7. BlazinHotNachoCheese on

      I’m just waiting for DJT to merge with an insurance company and begin selling policies whose owners never want to file and insurance claim. Then he will be imitating a perverse version of Buffet with GEICO.

      edit: To top it off, the insurance company won’t have actuaries.

    8. BeautifulJicama6318 on

      They don’t care, they just want to give him their money to “stick it to libs” 🤦‍♂️

    9. bloodandsunshine on

      For that amount of money they could have paid people $500 each to sign up and they would have still only doubled their user base. What an absolute joke of a company.

    10. My cousin’s taco truck makes more in a month than Trump media made this quarter!

    11. What a smack in the face to us who do stuff like DD, protect our money, etc…

    12. Individual-Equal-441 on

      Their press release is just a huge sack of warning signs. Even if you ignore the numerical warning sign that their revenue was only about $770k, or roughly half of a penny per share, look at all the alarming language they have surrounding those numbers:

      *”On April 16, 2024, the Company announced that after six months of testing on its Web and iOS platforms, it has finished the research and development phase of its new live TV streaming platform …”*

      The ‘research and development phase’ is a phrase that could mean pretty much anything or nothing. It’s basically something people can say even if they can’t point to any concrete thing.

      *”This roll out of streaming content will occur in three phases:”*

      No ETA, no timeline, except that all three phases are described in the future tense. And the first phase is just to “introduce” the CDN, which can likewise mean anything. The CDN is not the consumer product, it’s just the content delivery network that can then be used by a consumer product. Only phase 2 entails releasing any sort of app to consumers.

      *”In recent weeks, as part of its TV streaming initiative, TMTG signed contracts with its first data center partner to host its own TV content distribution network. The Company also signed contracts with a core hardware vendor to obtain equipment for the project.”*

      They signed contracts for … hosting and server equipment, perhaps? I guess they’re describing this as evidence of progress toward their future project, but hosting and server equipment is stuff that a social networking site would be paying for anyway.

      Finally, they explain away their low revenue by saying that they’re focused instead on long-term stuff. But surely they can run the one business they actually have?

    13. It’s merely a vehicle to get bribes to Trump. If he loses in November, it will utterly collapse because there will be no influence to buy. That’s why I have puts that expire in January…

    14. BlazinHotNachoCheese on

      I bet the next acquisition by DJT is going to be an Insurance Company that is currently held by Don Hankey. It’s an easy way to buy the bond that Hankey’s company sold Trump. Knight Specialty Insurance Company owned by Don Hankey.

    15. Miserable_Ride666 on

      Where is all of that money going? Anyone actually look at the financials?

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