Netflix is raising its subscription prices by another 11%, CEO confirms

    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. ….and sadly, they will get away with it. Luckily, everyone on this site is rolling in the $$$, so 11% is noise for us players.

    2. bimbolimbotimbo on

      Title is conveniently missing “Australian Users” but I just canceled my US family plan this month. Already split MAX with one of my homies for $60 per year, Prime pays for itself and Hulu + Disney plus package is like $6.99 a month for me.

      Netflix just got stupid expensive so quick

    3. Admirable-Yam-1281 on

      There’s really not much on Netflix I can’t live without. Time to drop them like a bad habit

    4. raise prices -> buy back stock -> raise prices -> buy back stock -> raise prices

    5. Just about everything on Netflix can be watched for free if you know how to search beyond the front page of Google

    6. NotTacoSmell on

      Cancelled two days ago. With taxes it’s $24.89 a month. They don’t have anything I want to see currently. It’s not really acceptable. 

    7. Subject-Internet7843 on

      I got rid of em years ago. Nothing to watch and even if I did it was eating pornhub time..

    8. Johnny_Menace on

      And they wonder why 🏴‍☠️is booming. Greedy assholes are digging their own grave.

    9. poppunksucks144 on

      You’d think charging more money would result in them making more than one good show a year…

    10. I only have a subscription because it comes for free with my cell phone plan. I could not imagine actually paying for it.

    11. Dmartinez8491 on

      Damn the most I’m willing to pay is $20 for the base subscription. I’m at 11.99/mo or 10.99/mo right now.

    12. Playingwithmyrod on

      Wild. Have they considered I’ll just stream their content for free instead?

    13. lionheart832 on

      Before you know it, subscription services costing more than basic cable. Rip

    14. Tighten it til something breaks, I guess. Idk when I’ll say enough is enough. It’s part of my xfinity package, so idk how it’ll affect me

    15. ZootedMycoSupply on

      Thankfully my whole family dumped Netflix 2 years ago due to this.

      And pretty much everyone I know.

      I remember when Netflix was shipping DVDs through the mail.
      Now? Fuck em. They can burn on the side of the street, and I’ll be there to sweep the ashes into the drain. Corporate greed, simple as that. Eventually they will fail because the suit and ties want too much.

    16. vision-quest on

      Meh, if I paid for Netflix I’d give a shit. They lost me as a customer due to their greediness, and now I’ve found alternate ways to get my content.

    17. I don’t have Netflix but after all the studios took their content for their own streaming Netflix has always had that cheap content feel to me

    18. ParaeWasTaken on

      Yeah after the most recent monthly payment notification i get, i immediately cancelled.

      The content on there isn’t worth $25+ monthly. It could be worth getting for a single month if a couple good movies are coming out that month.


    19. RichScience2889 on

      Welp looks like im gonna have to cancel Netflix, I was just looking at my charge thinking that’s damn too much to pay. One hike too many for me.

    20. 320th-Century on

      **The price gap between the standard w/ ads & standard w/o ads is essentially forcing the more financially unstable people to go with the cheaper option. They’re ad-raping the people.**

    21. No-Butterscotch-7577 on

      Netflix is treading on thin ice. If they keep this up, they will continue to lose more and more customers. I barely watch it anymore as I find other platforms much more favorable (and cheaper). Next price hike I am canceling my account! ✌️

    22. Own_Negotiation8391 on

      Cord cutters thought they were slick years ago. I could have told you it was not gonna last long

    23. whisperoftheworm700 on

      They have to beat their revenue numbers by ten percent every month just to break even, according to their MBA’s. Don’t you know how a liberal utopia works?

    24. If they don’t make more shows and release them faster I’m gonna cancel Netflix. They don’t have anything good that’s come out in the past 3-4 months. And no Bridgerton isn’t great. The first season was a lot of sex but that fizzled. Second season was a show about cuff links.

    25. fluffyinternetcloud on

      Wonder if it would be legal to buy as many CDs and DVDs and load them into a server room and stream them for free to shareholders since we would legally own a piece of the corporate person. Just time slice the stuff

    26. monochrome_f3ar on

      Haven’t had a subscription to anything in years cos of shit like this. Pirating or buying the blue rays 4k is where it’s at. 

    27. StarsCanScream on

      There was a time I paid $8 a month to watch double what Netflix currently offers.

      Now I pay $0 a month because there are cool websites online that allow me to watch whatever I want for free.

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