Hi everyone, so I recently moved back to the USA after living abroad for 5 years (7 total but 5 consecutively) and C.L.U.E. says I was in two collisions, one in 2022 and another in 2023. This isn’t possible as I wasn’t even living in the USA at the time and never drove while I was out of the country. On top of that, my previous license expired in 2021 and I didn’t get it renewed until very recently. How is this even possible and what should I do? This has raised my premium substantially..

    C.L.U.E. says I was in two accidents when that’s impossible.
    byu/ThunderThighsMegee inInsurance

    Posted by ThunderThighsMegee


    1. Busy_Account_7974 on

      Maybe the car you have now was involved in those accidents? You need to prove to the underwriter you weren’t in the country at the time of those accidents. 

    2. Accomplished-Art4337 on

      I recently had the same issue. I contacted them and provided proof that I was not involved in said accident. They literally removed it the next day. I suggest you get in contact with Lexis nexis and submit a report explained and proving proof it was not you.

    3. Start a dispute process with LexisNexis and ignore what everyone else may suggest, such as saying you’re somehow “mistaken” lol. Your CLUE records should also list a source for each record. You should also request your Verisk report as well, to make sure there’s no other evidence of unindented or intentional identity theft/fraud.

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