I’m just gonna get to it
    On the internet I go under the pseudo name @butimnotatrader

    this past weekend I released a book on Amazon that within 24 hours got the #1 Release under the Business and Money Category


    The “Top New Release” under the One hour short read business and money category

    …and I can’t share this with anybody I know.
    My wife has known that I’ve been doing this “internet/investing” Thing since it started but no else in my family officially knows…I prefer it that way tbh

    In 2022 my mom passed away, and close family members didn’t offer me any help at all to help pay for the funeral (I didn’t need the money, but it’s always nice to know you have support) I’m pretty sure my cousin found my YouTube and let my other immediate family members how much I was making trading, which led to no one’s help.

    A week after my mom passed away my uncle also passed. And it seemed like 99% of our family was sending them money to help. Just infuriated my wife and I even more.

    I guess I’m really just sharing this post because I needed to vent. I have no one to share in my personal life with but my wife and while that’s enough, sometimes I’d like to be able to share with other family members but I dont think that’ll ever happen anymore.

    I just wanted to say, for those of you that might be in the same situation, and you can’t hear it from your family for whatever reason, I’m proud of how far you’ve come

    Thanks for reading

    When you can’t tell anyone about your success
    byu/rawrtherapybackup inEntrepreneur

    Posted by rawrtherapybackup


    1. Responsible_Shirt418 on

      Hey man life’s tough but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel congrats on your success I might actually go order your book rq haha what’s the name of it and we’ll done again and remember that there’s always light

    2. sidehustle2025 on

      Why do you need to share with other family members? I don’t share what I do. Not sure why it matters.

    3. CardiologistNorth294 on

      You’re making hundreds of thousands but upset family won’t send you support?

    4. Firstly – congrats on your progress, that’s awesome ❤️

      About your post – I feel for you, but the way you’ve worded things leaves me confused (that might be me though).

      >…and I can’t share this with anybody I know.

      You don’t say why, but then say:

      I prefer it that way tbh

      Which makes it seem like you don’t want them to know.

      Then you say:

      I’m pretty sure my cousin found my YouTube …. which led to no one’s help.

      Which starts with an assumption, but ends like you’re wanting/needing/expecting your family to help with… something. You don’t say what though.

      and finally:

      >sometimes I’d like to be able to share with other family members but I dont think that’ll ever happen anymore.

      Which circles us back to the top. I’m sure you’ve left something out of the story, and maybe that was for a good reason – but you ARE free to tell anyone you want. Of course, doing so might have consequences, in which case, it’s up to you to decide whether to share or not – but that’s your decision, so you have to make peace with it either way.

      Whatever you do, please don’t harbour a grudge, or unhappiness, based on assumptions and judgement. Instead, I’d ask you (rhetorically if you prefer) to think about what you really want, and what’s really holding you back.

      In either case, don’t let it detract from your success, that’s a fact, not somebody’s opinion 🙂

    5. congratulations. happy for you.

      out of interest, does that rating in Amazon actually result in sales? I’ve never searched for books by looking at the top books in incredibly niche categories (like new releases, in money & business) and I read a lot. just curious 🧐

    6. I totally get the frustration of not being able to share your success openly. It sucks when family doesn’t offer support, especially during tough times. But you should feel incredibly proud of what you’ve accomplished on your terms. Hitting #1 on Amazon is a massive achievement – congratulations! While it may not feel like it now, the most important opinion is your own. Keep pushing forward and celebrating your wins, even if it’s just with your wife for now. You’ve got this.

    7. freerangetacos on

      Just quietly, and over time, make it known to your extended family that even though you might have money, they are not going to get any of it, or even be included in your life that much or reap any benefit of the money if they don’t also pull their own weight when big things like a death happen. They need to participate and act like a family. And then, it’s much easier to be generous. So, when 1 or 2 extended family make nice, then show them generosity and thank them for being such loving family, the least you can do is whatever gift you gave like including them on a vacation trip or something generous like that. The others will get the message, or not. It’s up to them, but this is how you communicate with family. Don’t turn it into a war of negativity. Make it a war of positive feedback loops.

    8. AccomplishedGur4911 on

      Sorry for your loss and sorry your family didn’t show support it’s tough. i went through a loss and while I had my family, my close friends weren’t as there for me as I felt they should’ve been. I did have other friends that really stepped up though, I hope you had that in your wife and others.

    9. crashymccrashins on

      I have had a similar situation with family last year. My Dad passed and I was his only child. I idled one of my businesses and took a leave of absence from another business to take care of him and his affairs. My grandmother, my dads mom, well off financially on her own did not help in any way. She criticized and put all her anger on my wife and I from the point of my dads sickness and continues after his death. There was such hatred for simple thing like what to do with funeral flowers. She is attempting to rewrite her estate to cut us out of it and give it to the children, grand children, great grand children, that live with her and follow her every wish. She only has a lifetime right to it as it has already been filed after my grandfather’s passing. I told her all the money and effort she spends trying to change things will be lost and out back when she passes. Out of kindness and love for her I have not pressed the issue. I have been the only child that has made anything for myself and am self sufficient. Granny told me I have made my own money and I do not need hers. Alrighty then. I think she is trying to name me Sue like the Johny Cash song and want me to stand up for myself. She had a tear in her eye when I told her all she spends will be in vain. I am not sure if it was joy or sadness because she knows she will not win. It feels like a episode of a Yellowstone.

    10. On relationships end, money isn’t everything mate. They might have thought you didn’t need money – you didn’t ask for it, and success shows itself unless you really downplay your lifestyle.

      If family isn’t an option, share with trusted friends. I out earn all my friends except one, and no one has ever asked me for anything.

      After a threshold, success is nothing without happiness.

    11. harrytbaron on

      Hey man, I’m Proud of you. I have no idea who you are, but first, congratulations on your success. I am weirdly in a similar boat. I’m happy to connect and chat. It’s rare that you can tell others about your successes. I have one friend other than my Fiancée who knows about the business to the depths that it has. I am also his sounding board, but I know he has a few other people he can tell in a similar circle to him.

      It’s mentally exhausting.

      I’m sorry for your loss. That’s brutal.

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