Why is everyone so bullish on NVIDIA? They would need to be the biggest company in the world for their stock to hit these astronomical predictions. 99% of the value is based on hype and bullshit reminiscent of the days when the Cyber Truck was announced.

    How many of these GPUs have they actually delivered? How many gpus do these big tech companies actually need? What makes NVIDIAs GPU immune to being copied by competitiors?

    AFAIK their bread and butter is the software/drivers allowing the chip to do it's magic and there are rumors of people working on allowing it to run on other GPUs. It's only a matter of time before a competitor releases something for a fraction of the price.

    Maybe I'm wrong but I can see the hype dying down when these Blackwell GPUs actually get delivered and the orders stop, anyone that actually works in a data center can attest they don't upgrade their servers every 6 months, they don't need to buy new hardware every year either.

    If and when it does go down the entire market will be a blood bath, the magnificent 7 stocks are practically a meme at this point and the only thing holding the S&P together.

    When NVIDIA pops the entire market will get wrecked
    byu/justinetrudope inwallstreetbets

    Posted by justinetrudope


    1. Wonko-D-Sane on

      whatever you wrote, i mostly didn’t read, skimming over your “why” questions it seems you are missing some amount of technical background on the usefulness of linear algebra and differential equations and why NVDA is the best calculator designer.

      I just bought more NVDA (stock, the options gambling you guys do here is just for my entertainment) yesterday.

      If NVDA pops, it will be because we went back to the abacus and the stone age.

    2. TehSillyKitteh on

      Couldn’t you wait another 10 days before you started with all this Pride month bullshit?

    3. It reminds me of the resurgence of 3-D movies and TVs in the 2010s. It sounds neat, but is it practical in a home application?

    4. Making GPUs is harder than making a base on the moon. Only Nvidia, AMD and Intel have the know how and tools.

    5. Parunreborn on

      All it needs is +10% overnight to reach 1k and when that happens the whole market will follow. SPY 535 EOW guaranteed

    6. mathewgilson on

      Shows us your puts or you’re just providing lip service from the sidelines, Karen!

    7. >What makes NVIDIAs GPU immune to being copied by competitiors?

      Everything. What a stupid fucking question.

    8. SmokinMorningWood on

      yeah sure same thing was said 9 months ago in august, guess where we are now, you must be new?

    9. LostRedditor5 on

      Why is it these type of posts never contain any actual analysis of data? Like there’s no analysis on the forward p/e or on any of the financials, even OPs own questions about the data are just left to hang in the air as if the asking was profound enough.

      I dunno OP how many GPUs have been delivered? It’s a shame you stopped at your feels and didn’t answer the question.

      This is all rhetorical I know why these posts operate on feels and not anything concrete. Stupidity

    10. Everything you said, even if 100 percent accurate, is irrelevant to the stock price.

    11. The thing is, it may only pop in 2-3 years. Do you really want to miss 100% gains in the meantime ?

    12. Technical-Sink6380 on

      Everyone in here is going to act like they’re experts in chip manufacturing, but you’re right. There’s some % real value but obviously a bunch of people just jumping into the newsy thing. Basically at least 20 percent meme stock.

    13. lol OP… OPOPOP. You see NVDA is apart of the market it will drag the market along with it.

    14. StuartMcNight on

      99% of the value is based on the MASSIVE development of their earnings.

    15. Arkanslaughter on

      Arguing about pricing over something you’re ignorant about. Peak WSB regard.

    16. I think people forget about sell off events following good earnings. There is a good chance of this occurring with NVDA because it’s overweight and ripe for the pickings, meaning good time for investors to sell.

    17. Didn’t we deal w these people the last 2 earnings? Most of them quit investing.

    18. DisgruntledOwls on

      NVDA is only ~5% of the S&P and if their orders dry up that means the hyperscalers that make up 20%+ of the S&P are cutting CapEx and increasing free cash flow.

    19. 8v2HokiePokie8v2 on

      NVDA PE is 77ish versus fucking WIX with a 240+…if WIX can beat on earnings and jump 20%+ with that PE then NVDA can as well

    20. It is just incredible how you got everything wrong… Like every single thing… They are going to power a new(ish) industry and are already insanely profitable. Their stuff isnt experimental, it is solid. They made 30(ish) billion in profit in 2024 from 4(ish) billion in 2023. Like when you were writing this, did you think you wrote it in unpopularopinions??????

    21. LeotheVirtue on

      We are in the middle of the largest gold rush of all time and these are the shovels. They still have a long way to go, especially if they keep this innovation lead. They are 5 years ahead of the competition and not holding anything back, damn near obsoleting previous Nvidia releases every 6-8 months and selling to the top ten companies all racing to AGI

    22. > What makes NVIDIAs GPU immune to being copied by competitiors?

      NVDA have been long on what is called [CUDA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA), which is proprietary technology that they have been developing hard for the past 15 years or so. In the meantime, the competition has been sleeping, and they are so far behind on the parallelism aspect that it is laughable. That’s why it can’t just be copied.

    23. Ok_Spite_217 on

      Bro we get it, you’re balls deep in puts and you’re scared they will be so OTM that you lose it all.

      You’re dumb as fuck for betting against a literal market owner in the GPU space.

    24. Glum_Neighborhood358 on

      They will eventually deflate due to competition or lack of replacement GPU demand…but that will be way longer from now than you think.

    25. StructuredChaos42 on

      – The current market price (~950) discount a revenue growth of about 20% for the next decade. I think it is feasible given the very high expected capital expenditures of data centers.

      – I believe they will maintain their margins thanks to their durable competitive advantage: CUDA

      – there are many ways this can go wrong but also many ways it can get better

      All in all, in my view Nvidia is appropriately priced. Regarding the S&P 500 concentration in M7, it’s a real concern, I think now it is more important than ever for the US investor to have international exposure.


      God these types of posts are so weak and pathetic. You could’ve done anything but you wasted your time to post this lol. You don’t even understand the value of Nvidia and you couldn’t be more wrong with everything you stated.

    27. MesmerizerLIVE on

      It’s a cyclical market that Wall Street is acting will continue to expand at the same exponential rate. They’re always wrong, and they will be wrong again this time.

    28. Aware-Recognition257 on

      wait until the plebs find out that you don’t need GPUs to train models

      wait until the plebs find out LLMs cannot fundamentally do anything but predict the most likely next token


      >show positions


    29. chapterthrive on

      This current ai trend just feels like a more polished nft grift.

      They’re not solving any actual problems with it other than how to suck money out of the system.

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