How is this affordable? My wife and I are both self employed in the healthcare industry.. 1099 contractors… Two children in college. This sucks. I hate what our gov did to f-up our healthcare. Before the ACA we had wonderful coverage, BCBC PPO. 80/20. Decent deductible. Copays. Paid about $350/mth for family of 4… which seemed like a lot back then. Here's what it would cost me now. Almost $1976/mth for UHC, bronze-X Value. I can't work more hours than I already do. I don't qualify for subsidies because our combined income is too high. The kids in college can get a shitty student policy for about $500/mth for the two of them. Been rolling the dice with one of those shared expense plans (CHM) but I don't trust them to be there if something serious like cancer or major accident happens. What is someone in my situation supposed to do? Spare me the "get a job" comments or "get a spouse with insurance" comments. Too old to join the military. Too young for Medicare. Too poor and too rich at the same time.

    Self employed – health insurance rant.
    byu/itsmyrighttowin inInsurance

    Posted by itsmyrighttowin


    1. That’s the problem with the ACA because it seems like they made HDCP plans that were relatively cheap the norm after it passed. Then on top of that, they gave subsidies up to the start of the middle class which effectively gave us crappy insurance at higher prices.

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