Tesla went down last quarter after Jensen Huang talked about Nvidia's self driving ambitions. Given that self driving cars are a really hot thing right now in the AI space, I think that there's a good chance that Huang will talk about it much more tomorrow and potentially have an impressive showing of progress. If he does, Tesla should go down, potentially erasing all of todays gains on the questionably bullish news. Regardless of how good Nvidia's earnings are, their presentation will likely be bad for Tesla since they will be talking about competing with Tesla. I think that in all cases, Tesla goes down after the Nvidia earnings presentation. The worst (best for puts) case scenario would be bad Nvidia earnings coupled with Huang doubling down on competing with Tesla on self driving and robots.

    TLDR: The hottest part of the AI space right now is self driving and robotics. Jensen Huang loves to make grand presentations and will likely talk about Nvidia's ambitions and progress in both of these areas tomorrow. This will be really bad for Tesla.

    Nvidia’s self driving program will crash Tesla tomorrow
    byu/pareofdocks inwallstreetbets

    Posted by pareofdocks


    1. Self driving cars? Wtf. NVDA is going to use AI to cure cancer, end world hunger and create worldwide peace. Yeah, Jensen Huang will singlehandedly solve the Israel-Palestinian conflict with AI. Needless to say the stock is going to gap up to record highs tomorrow

    2. constantlyalways on

      Where is Nvidia getting the proprietary data to compete with the millions of miles that Tesla has already logged?

    3. Willing_Turnover5568 on

      What was the bullish news for Tesla. I’m shorting Tesla and today was not a good day for my account.

    4. Top_Performer4324 on

      Why? Doesn’t Nvidia sell the chips that tesla buys for self driving tech?

    5. I hope so. I’ve got 160 puts on TSLA for 28Jun24. Shit needs to go down and not up. I’m a tad bit in the hole at the moment. 😁

    6. Disastrous_Dot_6941 on

      Bruh Tesla use Nvidia chips for their autonomy.. shit regarded dd. 10k H100’s to be exact

    7. Better give elon his 50 billion or else tesla isn’t getting any AI upgrades!

    8. Tesla’s self-driving software is trained on an enormous amount of DATA that only Tesla has access to. Every Tesla vehicle on the street is collecting street data and driving data. Nvidia can’t train a self driving model if it has no data to train on

    9. Nvidia has been showing off their self driving stuff in their blacked out demo room in their HQ for a few years now. Was just there again last fall and honestly it didn’t seem that much different than 3 years earlier. They’ve been working with major OEMs in this area for a while now.

      Not to say it wasn’t impressive looking, but some of the other more depressing examples they have in there on other fronts are more technically impressive, even if they mean the impending downfall of warehouse and factory workers etc.

    10. professorShay on

      As much as I would like to see it, no one is taking the AI driving crown from Tesla. No one has as much data as them. My best guess as to why Tesla isn’t better at FSD is Elon’s refusal to add more f#$&ing cameras and sensors. That would likely require a larger autopilot computer as well. NPU hardware is getting much better as a whole and Nvidia doesn’t rule that space (inference, not training).

    11. Jensen’s final trick is to reveal that he was an AI robot all along and his leather jacket is a metaphor for the human skin that he is wearing

    12. carcarbuhlarbar on

      Back it up with 29k in puts then. Post proof in 24H or shit in your hand it’s up to you.

    13. Individual-Equal-441 on

      Ha, could you imagine OpenAI doing self-driving? “Unfortunately there were problems with your request, and no maneuvering could be performed. To better serve everyone, please wait 7 hours and 35 minutes before asking me to do anything else.”

    14. Do you know what creates AI? Lots of training with lots of data. In the case of self-driving, video/radar/lidar data from vehicles. Tesla has a fleet of millions of vehicles collecting data (all video), and they still desire more scale. No other companies have the scale of data to train neural nets to be fully autonomous. NVIDIA included.

    15. Lmao. Op clearly shorting Tesla. Get in line at Wendy’s asshole. You’re fucked.

    16. ElectricalGene6146 on

      Nvidia software is actually very unimpressive. Self driving from Waymo, cruise, Aurora, Mobileye etc is much more impressive than the crap Nvidia has.

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