Seriously. I work in AI and data science. The hype curve is very much still rising.

    There's a million companies out there investing in AI. The job market is crazy for ML engineers.

    While I do think we'll see a drastic drop in NVDA, it's likely not going to be in this quarter – unless they give really low forecasts.

    Save your money apes.

    Try to wait another quarter or two.

    It’s TOO EARLY to be a NVDA bear
    byu/Capable-Jicama2155 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Capable-Jicama2155


    1. Pizzapimento on

      AI hype will likely stay up for years. “it’s just a prototype” and, “AI has its limits” are defenses that will be used to explain the flaws of AI until businesses wise up. Until then, it’s likely businesses will try to use AI, not get the results they are looking for, then prompt engineers will sell their services with the promise of making AI usable. If AI makes a coherent result, the prompt engineers gain credibility. If it fails, it’s simply a limitation of the technology. Businesses will sink a ton of money into implementation. Sunk cost fallacy will only cause them to sink even more money until they eventually pull back.

    2. InvestingNoob1337 on

      Isn’t the market forward looking?
      If it is I’m sure it’s looking past the dip, into the rebound and my puts are fukd

    3. foo-bar-nlogn-100 on

      I came back from the future. NVDA will not beat and raise.

      US sanctions on china have hurt them

      More companies waiting for Blackwell before buying for multi modal.

      Hopper for multi modal at scale isnt cutting it.

      I am a sentient AI from the future.

    4. gimmedatcrypto on

      Oh he works in science 😂

      OP is clearly regarded. Nvidia is overvalued and the AI bubble will pop in the short term..fuckin wake up

    5. Afraid_Deal_4376 on

      Bought NVDA calls for the first time, so it’s time to dip 🤣

    6. Something tells me they’re about to announce a split this EC. Even if they somehow fuck up their guidance, wich I highly doubt, that alone will skyrocket the stock.

    7. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      Well at NVDA current price. Wall street expects a lot more than just great.

    8. What if every single massive tech company has continued to order more h100s and h200s? And continues to into the future? You know like they are and are planning too. If you’re planning to build a nuclear power plant to power an AI data centre you need a fuck ton of GPUs and aren’t waiting for a power plant to expand

    9. Makes sense. Tech companies are layoff people from positions that can probably be replaced by AI.

    10. antelope591 on

      NVDA is like when TSLA was 1200 pre split. Everyone knew it was overpriced but very few would time the top. It could still run, but the bubble will burst eventually. Probably not tommorow but who knows.

    11. daryldelight on

      I think NVDA announcing blackwell probably caused buyers to pause buying from NVDA until blackwell like amazon. basically, it’s so hyped that this quarter will be a miss on expectations probably and my puts won’t be so worthless. this is not financial advice. obviously.

    12. Willing_Turnover5568 on

      I find Nvidia overvalued but there are much more overvalued and less good companies to short.

    13. Shouldn’t we be buying puts after earnings, when IV crush makes them cheaper?

      We know it’s going to bounce around a couple days, settle on a new high (or low) and then slowly slide over the course of weeks before the hype begins for the next earnings report.

      Seems like the safer move is to buy puts after earnings, when it finds the new price point, not before.

    14. Potato_Octopi on

      Yep. Trends often last longer than folks think is rational. Let the winners keep winning.

    15. I think NVDA will “invest” in enough “AI” companies to buy enough of their chips to beat estimates.

    16. PoopParticleAcclrtr on

      Don’t be a hero, let it work itself out. It’s not just gonna V shape straight down

    17. StoatStonksNow on

      What do you think will change in another quarter or two? I think that some kind of AI winter is inevitable – it really looks to me like investment is outpacing use cases at this point (except for generative marketing, and I’m guessing that will hit diminishing returns soon) – but do you really think companies are going to stop buying right when the H200 comes out?

    18. gonebymidnite on

      are you currently fuckin a robot, then it is undervalued ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    19. I_am_ChristianDick on

      Bear on nvda doesn’t mean bear on AI.

      Bear on its valuation. 2.4 Trillion is insanity.

      For example Amazon is 1.8T

      Nvda had Q4 earnings of 22B while Amazon had 143B

      Additionally, a Taiwanese company right now is a risk due to China

    20. ProfessionalRow9300 on

      We have been here before, the More we get close to 1,000 it Will break

    21. Atls-Shrugd on


    22. blatblatbat on

      Are you saying to hold nods for now? It’s been good to me, I have about a 35% gain currently but don’t wanna miss out if it’s gonna tank. It’s been my best investment a s I heard about it here. I’m new to stocks I feel like such a noob. Just started this year and don’t have too much invested overall just what used to be my drug money after getting sober lol.

    23. optionsCone on

      I work behind Wendy’s and my customers just informed me to inverse your bitch a$$ and want to stick that insider information in you

    24. greentea_23 on

      I made 2,000+ on 940 puts this morning. Got out and now thinking about calls before earnings.

    25. BulletPlease on

      NVDA 0.25% dividend and 4:1 split with an announcement of being included in DOW and 30% beat on top and bottom line with raise in guidance and government bill for 500BN in AI research and chips for DoD and new chip announced that is 3x performance of H100’s at 1/3 power consumption and Jensen pledge to not sell NVDA stock until 2028. NVDA +80% EOW.

    26. I think everyone should have a decent position in NVDA in case the long term AI bull case becomes reality, but not so much that you can’t absorb a fall off the cliff if AI turns out to be less than promised. Buy NVDA then put it in the closet. Don’t watch it don’t trade it.

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