Bought NVDA 14 years ago or so with a spare 442$. Got 104 shares @ 4.25. Forgot about the account for a while. Up 22,239%

    Posted by Strong-Code6645


    1. headless429 on

      Forgetting about the account really worked out for you. I’d have sold long back.

    2. Randomly-Looking on

      Now everyone underwater will see this and say I’m in for the long term! (This doesn’t work for options regards)

    3. TankusAruelisJacksob on

      Is it overbought?
      Will the market find something it doesn’t like in its earnings?
      Will it bring down the entire market this week?

    4. clearbottleflu on

      Never bought another share… it’s the granddaddy of missed opportunities.

    5. ILLARgUeAboutitall on

      We’re either in a bubble or the beginning of a technological boom. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    6. quuxquxbazbarfoo on

      ~$4.40 avg cost basis? Nice.

      Edit: Oh I see in title you said $4.25

    7. Why was my 18 year old self so stupid and not invest in NVDA 14 years ago?

    8. Same with me brother. Bought in 2005 as they had cool hd video processing for my computer. Figured it was cool then so why not.

      Made a bunch, sold it for house, re bought at 150

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