Posted by GoatOutrageous911


    1. templario765 on

      With those 90 puts Were you expecting AAPL to just stop making phones?😭

    2. Key_Security_1569 on

      Poots don’t print! We in a bool market wait what nvda does $550 spy cumming hard

    3. SocraticGoats on

      Tell me a 90$ apple put was insurance on some iron condor or something… else you sir are regarded

    4. PeterDuaneJohnson on

      That’s crazy you lost money on a sure thing, that has never happened before

    5. Apple has enough money to cuck your whole entire lineage and you busted $90 puts?! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. Completely random play. Like looking at the options market and throwing 🎯 wherever it falls you buy

    7. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Man’s had $90 apple puts… Lol he thought this was pandemic again

    8. Prestigious_Bison189 on

      Your only hope is Market Crash, Flash Crash, Housing Collapse, Banking Crisis, AI Bubble Pop on and on etc. of 2024

    9. I have to give you credit OP. At least you posted positions unlike these other recent posts. We need to bring back the no position=Ban rule.

    10. Electronic-Stop-1720 on

      So you gambled your down payment, actually scratch that, not even a gamble 90 apple puts was a for sure loss to start with.

    11. Better days have been every day bro. Why have you been buying puts when we have been screaming green for the last 2 years

    12. Relevant-Nebula8300 on

      Buying AAPL puts is not an effective way to bet against the market if you want to bet against the market buy spy puts (although I wouldn’t advise it)

    13. koochywalla on

      When exactly did they think better days were ahead? Based on this graph there was never any actually success.

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