they would definitely have the money to start their business, so their process would be a bit different than most people’s when starting a business, right? if so, what would that process be?

    how do rich people start clothing lines?
    byu/Just4Questions9 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Just4Questions9


    1. ProcedureRound1868 on

      I’ve noticed with clothing lines most guys build a brand before even making sales.. Push the awareness and work on marketing making the brand popular… And also making it seem like sales are limited… After that they now push the marketing to make pre orders.

      I this someone buys a piece of cloth before you have even started producing… With the money from the pre orders you now use it to get the clothing line in production.. Getting from suppliers and delivering to your customers..

      I turn a person only spends on marketing a dnwhem the orders come in they now get the clothes.. You can get about 100-300 pre orders… This is enough to acquire enough

    2. Paupers simply won’t understand most rich people don’t sit on a cloud, in total isolation. But of course, most poor people don’t understand there isn’t a ‘the rich people.’

      How they don’t know there’s an internet, blogging, books and personal accounts I couldn’t guess.

      Rich people actually know other rich people. And sometimes they have little — best term I have is a hobby rather than using the term “side hustle.” Rich people understand how money is made and that’s not the scheming, grinding, penny-ante hustle so many here are into. People here can’t throw a little mention out at a party and get five successful influencers to join their cause — if not the parents then their kids.

      When you make a mistake, it’s a financial disaster. When the affluent make a mistake, it is an offsetting tax write-off. That’s the advantage of not being so allergic to money, you can’t afford a lawyer and an accountant. Then hallucinate you won’t need either in the most litigious nation on the planet.

      Plus, their spouse will fund this and that and the other until things work out if need be. It’s a polite way to get a little “me time.” Because so many aren’t really serious about their projects, I don’t suggest the people here emulate fictional rich people they have made into caricatures which are mere figments of the imagination.

      A lot of seeming paupers who succeeded are born into affluence, are embedded in social networks that move markets, and can — as quickly as you ask to mow somebody’s lawn — get a startup founded. If you can do that — please do.

      Money attracts money. This seeming nonsense just gets a ‘wut’ here.

    3. Traditional_Motor_51 on

      My clients depend on SEO. They primarily choose clothes based on quality and that retains most customers. Secondly they ensure quick resolution to customer queries. Funnh thing is, you dont need money to start a clothing business in India. My wife runs one and just needs GST.

    4. Fillenintheblanks on

      It’s not about a clothing line but watch “Welcome to Wexham” on Hulu. It’s a perfect example of how they do it from start to finish. Only John and Ryan did it with a futball team.

      Essentially, find a buding company that has laid the ground work already and buy it out or partner by infusing the company enough capital to hold an equal or majority portion of the company. Make it the best, up the starting salaries get really experienced and qualified people who have achieved similar results in the past and let them cook while funding what they say will be necessary. All while using your popularity and connections to promote/market the endeavor to ensure a healthy flow of interest. After that it’s just managing monthly or quarterly reviews to ensure your investments are yielding a return within or exceeding your target for the periods.

    5. sidehustle2025 on

      Ask Warren Buffet. I’m he’ll explain how he started his clothing line.maybe check with Bill Gates as well.

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