Need Help!! This is my first post on this channel!

    In last 2 years I have made some stupid decisions with options trading like betting against the market flow or double down, revenge trade etc and I have finally landed up here. Did learn few things but too late…
    I have lost all my savings that I had which sucks and with an unseen event coming up I definitely need to make up something to take care of it.
    I know many ppl might make fun and have nasty comments but it’s ok I am here actually looking for help if someone with better understanding and experience can help/guide me in correct direction with the options and help me get some of it back.
    Thank you so much fellow traders! 🙏🏻

    Posted by Uvcool02


    1. I’m here to help. Stop. Never trade stocks again and put all your money into a 10 year locked CD with your bank. You will gain about 5% APY and you won’t be a loser

    2. First of all forget options exist. Even if someone tells you gonna make money 100%. I don’t know your age but really all you need is voo and schd. DCA

    3. In all seriousness, you need to admit this is not for you and get a financial advisor.

    4. happytoparty on

      No way you’re making 80k back. You have 100 bucks in cash and the rest in an FD probably. As people have mentioned, just stop.

    5. My whole thing is…

      Why did you wait two years and $80k to ask for help?

      And if you’re identifying your flaws like trading against market, revenge trading, at that point you have to come to terms with yourself that you’re gambling and not trading. If you’re conscious to know the irrational and irreversible decisions you’re making, you’re gambling.

      What did you learn in the last two years if you’re still unprofitable and on the verge of losing it all?

      If you want help, pull the last of your money out before you lose it all, go back to the basics, demo account, backtest, and don’t live trade until you have 200 consecutive profitable trades.

      Plan the trade, trade the plan.

      If you’re just going by social media stocks and crypto hype / “influencers”, you’re bound to fail miserably.

    6. AthleteIllustrious47 on

      0DTE spy calls. You’re down 97%, can’t get much worse. Send 1 final yolo

    7. $80k loss on options trading and you’re still looking for advice on options? If you’re serious about cutting your losses, leave this sub and don’t look back.

    8. RustySnoBall on

      I fucking wish I had 80 grand to just throw down the toilet in this market.

      If I had 80k I’d dump it all into Sirius XM. Warren buffet isn’t always right.

      Besides sometimes the potential of making money while trying to make some quality loss porn is what really gets the southern blood flowing

    9. Training_Street_8334 on

      >Loss Porn

      Take what’s left and buy an index. Take a few hundred every paycheck and buy that index. Stay away from options. If you’re normal middle class you’re gonna end up homeless if you keep gambling

    10. What’s ur age ? How much do u make a year ? Delete Robinhood open fidelity and dump it all in fxaix and keep adding it til u r at 80k with the 3k u will get from Uncle Sam evey year

    11. l0lprincess on

      Man, at no point did you think that you should just buy some shares? You say this is the past two years so if you just invested half of it in NVDA or really any tech stock, you’d at least be close to breaking even if not completely covering your losses on the other 40K in this hypothetical.

    12. This is extremely difficult to recover from but it’s possible.
      You need a couple of 6 bagger trades.
      2K to 12K
      Then 12K to 72K and you’re almost there.
      It will probably take at least two years and extreme discipline to find the proper setups and enter at the correct time.
      Some setups do exist right now that can help you.
      $ADBE & $COIN come to mind.
      Forget that weekly options exist. Only trade leaps ( 12 months out )
      You can still make a 500% return with leaps. In fact it’s much easier than wasting your money away on weeklies.

    13. My_Not_RL_Acct on

      It deeply saddens me that idiots get this much money and fucking throw it away.

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