1. MikeMikeGaming on

      We need to ban 0dte spy options. I am so sick and tired of the gigantic impact these stupid options have over SPY and individual stock price action. Basically, stocks now only move at the end and beginning of the day when either MM’s are forced to cover their options or no one has bought any yey

    2. Educational_Milk_759 on

      Hope Nvidia stays red till close. Big pumps before earnings don’t end well.

    3. I’m pretty new to investing, how much does a stock go up or down on earnings? What are we working with?

    4. I remember when like 95% of this sub was convinced the introduction of 0dte contracts would cause the greatest black swan event of all time

    5. sourbreadkid on

      Playing the QQQs on NVDA earnings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    6. looool_k_libtard on

      NVIDIA is going to post worse numbers than DJT this quarter because NO ONE CARES ABOUT STUPID AI AND TECH AND COMPUTER THINGS. I DONT EVEN HAVE AN INTERNET YOU DONT NEED IT. The future is brick and mortar sticker stores.

    7. I’m planning to get calls for both SOXL and SOXS expiring this week. So that either direction of Nvidia is good for me. Does this have a chance of working out or I’ll get theta fucked both ways ?

    8. Metacog_Drivel on

      WMT jumps on earnings and TGT dumps on earnings—you can’t explain that!

    9. Target dicked my ass. This time inverting the obviously was dumb. Bye bye money. Brutal. The play was calls after crash. Guidance is staying the same. I need more money to buy calls. Target will never die. To women in America it’s their Sanctuary.

    10. tarolover1213 on

      Sitting on Air Canada for a bit since it’s quite low and people are planning their summer vacations now.

    11. Do I sell my weekly SPY call today or gorilla grip it into NVDA earnings?

      What say you oh great magic 8ball of WSB

    12. One spicy chicken shawarma wrap yesterday and now can’t stop shitting hot lava mud

    13. heizenbergbb on

      This whole Scarlett Johansson Chatgpt thing is about to backfire on her big-time now that it looks like they just used a different voice actor that sort of sounds like her.

      I guess her position is if your voice is similar to any celebrity you no longer own your own voice. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    14. Meme holders have to downvote WSB for being in cahoots with the hedgies. It’s all a big conspiracy.

    15. Im new to trading, I was waiting in the pdd earnings call waiting for the earnings report which is going to start in 20 minutes, and I just saw that news sites already reported the earnings 30 minutes ago, how is this possible?

    16. My bidet has done so much for me I want to buy her a Xmas gift. Any suggestions?

    17. Worried_Quarter469 on

      Ahead of the report, an analyst equated Nvidia’s earnings report to a Taylor Swift concert. Paul Marino, chief revenue officer at GraniteShares, said, “The anticipation of Nvidia earnings is like that of a Taylor Swift concert lately. Estimates are high and expectations to beat estimates are even higher.”

    18. Warm_Tzatziki on

      NVDIA will end up as the dot com bubble Qualcomm, but in the AI bubble

      Still time for it to burst, but just sayin

    19. Studder-Udderz on

      Guys am I getting fired from the TGT warehouse this week? Puts on my employment status.

    20. #Ban Bet Won

      /u/Significant_Cut_4609 made a bet that WOOF would go to 3.0 within **1 week** when it was 2.54 and it did, congrats regard.

      Their record is now 1 wins and 0 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    21. MaximumUnderdrive69 on

      Lost everything, yesterday I said fuck it and put the whole port on WOOF calls 🥹

    22. HossBonaventureCEO_ on

      I went on the elliptical for 20m and did 15m of yoga/stretching. I’m so decrepit lol fuck chronic illnesses. Also nvda 1k by eod

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