Boom or bust??? I don’t think we’ve seen any lack of growth yet due to the new chips not coming into play and that will be a tailwind .

    Posted by pokemon-collector


    1. BarRepresentative653 on

      Some gains is better than 100% losses. If you sell, you can still join the rally at some future pull back, if you stay and lose it all, you will be extremely fucked

    2. Control_the_Guh on

      Sell and buy some shares if you wanna hold through earnings for nothing else than to avoid IV

    3. Well if you don’t sell, you’ll either be richer or get a lot of karma from the loss porn.
      Win win either way, really

    4. throwaway_0x90 on

      A sensible investor takes 20%+ gains whenever possible.

      ….but being sensible is not what WSB is about![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)

    5. greenandycanehoused on

      Fuck! You good bro. Just chill and take some profits and let the rest ride

    6. 2QuarterDollar on

      Yes cash out, find some penny stock and pump it 3x and retire with 1.2mm. Invest most of it in real estate, bonds and ETFs and earn passive income while rescuing the spotted owl or some shit

    7. hedgefundzpm on

      Always a gamble to hold in the earnings. Depends on your risk appetite. If possible, set a stop. If not, bail out.

    8. Id skim from google to cover the cost basis of all positions plus a little profit and ride from there. Then you’re on house money and if the year keeps going you keep profiting If it falls…you still profited

    9. quiksilverr87 on

      Sell everything. NVDIA has a chance to dump pretty hard. Yes you will shoot yourself in the cock if it pumps but that’s better than losing all your gains and jumping out the window

    10. bswizzle2552 on

      This place is full of fucking idiots, up 200% and wants to possibly hold the position

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