What type of insider information could he possibly have, of any? Thoughts?


    Posted by Odd-Alternative543


    1. nothing. you ever hear of people shedding risk? not everything is a conspiracy theory.

    2. bawtatron2000 on

      New to investing i see. Nothing to see here. Ever wonder why sometimes a stock goes up after market after good earnings and is down from previous day at opening?

    3. Melodic_Assistance84 on

      Oh, we will know soon enough. I mean it’s not like Congress people have any additional information or anything do they?…

    4. Optionzdegen on


    5. ThisCryptographer311 on

      Are those “value” brackets (50k-100k) cost basis, or market value?

    6. He’s on the House Committee of Financial Services which might be important to note, but the most important is that he is on the Congressional Downs Syndrome task force which is why OP is following him so closely.

    7. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      Let’s us know when Nance sells. Or she probably did and won’t report shit for another 1-2 years.

    8. Environmental_Emu_87 on

      is this post why that shit went down 2%? I’m going to hunt you down

    9. Comprehensive_Body32 on

      I was up major from the last dip, I sold my positions moments before the dip because I did not want to gambling the earnings. I’m a chooch and that was my play. On top of the fed minutes I’m thinking we saw a sell off in the past hour.

    10. HelpfulJones on

      So, instead of outlawing the congress-critters insider information “perk”, why not simply require them to publicly announce each and every trade they intend to make by themselves or their immediate family. Once they announce, the trade will automatically execute 3 business days later. They can’t cancel it and it must execute exactly as they announced. Failure to do so is an automatic bar to re-election. Add it to their congressional web site that interested inves… umm… people could subscribe to for notifications. OR whatever – f’k all if I know what’s a good idea or not.

    11. Fake news. Ain’t no way a politician from Texas would do something slimy.

    12. Sea-Caterpillar-6501 on

      If Nancy or Gott haven’t sold you know everything is going to be alright

    13. All he’d have to do is say is that he couldn’t possibly know what was going to happen and that all he was doing was being conservative and de-risking in advance of such a major earnings event. The massive proliferation of derivatives have made earnings events much harder to play

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