Bers are fucked, here’s to a green 2024 🥂

    Posted by Brendawg324


    1. Soars?? it was implied an 8.5% move and it’s only up 3% and falling 😂

    2. Yani-Madara on

      Meanwhile SPY: “interesting news, have a .03% increase that keeps bouncing into negative”

    3. slam-dunk-1 on

      This is why you buy leaps regards ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275) (not just talking, posted about $1040 Feb ‘25 leaps a couple weeks ago)

    4. As we had hoped, NVDA is a great company with excellent earnings report and 10 for 1 stock split announced today! Time to go “all in”.

    5. I’m waiting for someone to educate us on why the market cap, PE, PS, and some other bullshit ratio of NVDA are too high.

    6. IHadTacosYesterday on

      The fact they’re doing a 10 for 1 split is SUPER AGRESSIVE.

      You don’t do that if you’re not internally BULLISH AS F.

      This looks real good peeps.

      I’m seeing an easy peasy $140 a share before August 1st.

    7. Last NVDA earnings, I listened to the naysayers and bought puts. This time I said fuck the bears and bought calls. Finally going to make back some of what I lost 3 months ago.

    8. imrickjamesbioch on

      Im all in after the split! Im poor and can’t afford $1k a share BUT ready to liquidate all my crypto if I get Nvda at $120-&140 per.

    9. Jumpy-Imagination-81 on

      I got a day-bagger with NVDA today. A day-bagger means a position that gains in one day the same amount (or more) as the total amount invested into the stock (the cost basis). The total amount I have invested into NVDA (my cost basis) is $5,000.64. Today my NVDA position gained $6,687.60, gaining in one day more than I originally invested into the stock.

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