Got in an accident, need advice

    Hi, just need to vent but also need advice/questions answered. So I was doordashing and DoorDash gave me the address, I dropped it off took a picture then was on my way. I then get a call 30 seconds later from the customer saying that I dropped it off at the wrong place (even though that’s what it said in DD app). I turned around and pulled into their driveway and ran out to grab the food. Of course I did this too quickly and didn’t turn off my car bc I was just going to pick up the food. I accidentally left my car in drive as well. So for the total of the 10 seconds I was out of the car, I turned around and the car slowly inched forward and hit into their garage. They came out and we exchanged information. My car wasn’t damaged but there was a small dent in the garage. They told me to contact my insurance provider in the morning and tell them the situation and they will have someone come out and look at the garage. My best guess is that I’ll have to pay for a new garage door?

    So I’m just airing my frustration out. It was obviously 100% my fault but I can’t help to think that if DoorDash would have given me the right address, I wouldn’t be in this mess. I feel like half the time I don’t even park in the driveway or leave my car on so the odds of this happening were pretty slim in my opinion. Still my fault.

    But here are my questions/need advice because I have no idea I’m a younger driver and don’t have the knowledge of insurance, etc:

    1. Do you think my insurance will cover it even though I was on the job?
    2. Does DoorDash help paying with any of it?
    3. I took my information with me on accident so I went back and gave it to them. They were nice about it but said the police were just there and they filed a police report (they had my name and address) What does this entail? Should I expect the police to come to my house?

    Please let me know and hopefully you’re answers will put me at ease. Thank you in advance

    Will this be covered?
    byu/Rough_Wrangler_8982 inInsurance

    Posted by Rough_Wrangler_8982

    1 Comment

    1. 1. It depends. Did you tell your insurance carrier you were using your vehicle for DoorDash? Do you have an endorsement on your policy to cover it?

      If you didn’t tell them you used your car for Door Dash, I wouldn’t expect them to cover it.

      2. We don’t work for Door Dash, so we have no way of knowing this.

      3. It’s possible, but unlikely. If they do call or contact you, be honest about what happened.

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