What are THE best money making majors?

    Best money making majors?
    byu/seriousmuffin666 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by seriousmuffin666


    1. Far-Potential3634 on

      Engineering, medicine, maybe computer science (it was great for awhile but now programming is being outsourced to countries like India and perhaps in the future AI). If making a lot of money is your only focus maybe try a business major but go to a high prestige school and join a Greek society so your buddies can get you a good job with a lot of growth potential. My cousin studied physics because he’s like a genius, made a lot of money consulting for Boeing doing computer work and designed a stock trading program that got caught up in greed and litigation over its ownership. If you have the brains for STEM there’s good money in some of those careers but if you want to be an entrepreneur a business degree and a lot of networking may give you a good foundation to get rich.

    2. _averageguy_ on

      In my experience this is the wrong question. I majored in accounting back in the day because it was the consensus answer to this. When I graduated I realized I hated accounting, and never pursued it. I loved my marketing and entrepreneurship classes, and ended up learning aggressively after graduating and pursuing that.

      Better question is “what are you most interested in/excited about/passionate about?” And pursue that, because you will be much better at it, and it will feel less like work. (Edit: You will also end up making much more money). Do what you enjoy most.

      To answer the specific question though if you want to ignore all that, probably computer science.

    3. LentiniDante on

      Recently watched a clip of Jensen Huang (Nvidia CEO) being asked this question— his answer was biology, more specifically “digital biology”.

      Basically with the way AI is evolving so quickly its interaction with humans are becoming much more practical. So while there will be tons of CS majors building the models, there needs to be scientist, doctors, and biologist facilitating the interaction.

      Besides this I would say the 2nd would be CS (or ml/ai/cse) and then HCI a super underrated one which stands for human-computer interaction, definitely recommend looking into it!

    4. effyochicken on

      Most of the current majors aren’t likely to be the “best money makers” but a few are. Having a focus on the future instead of the present is key.

      When I look to the problems of the future I see a great need for “technical skilled blue collar” jobs like HVAC and electricians, highly generalized professions that involve project managers reaching across multiple professions, AI developers (not just programmers because we’re likely to leverage AI itself to create a lot of “classic” programing), law, most engineering degrees, medical degrees that lead towards RN/Doctor level work, and unexpectedly agricultural/bioscience.

      For that last point, it’s more of a hunch. I think we’re about to see a new era in farming/husbandry that includes a ton of indoor/factory farms and new technology used in massive farming operations. These will require knowledge at the level of an engineer to manage.

    5. It’s not what you make in life, it’s what you hold onto. I know broke 300k salary people, and millionaire 80k salary people

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