
    My mom was involved in a head-on collision front bumper to front bumper in early April. We got police report, reported claims, submitted photos, and had phone recording statement with a translator…as requested from Geico. While she was with the examiner and the translator, suddenly the phone dropped from Geico side. We tried to call back and left voicemail but no response. On the next day, we called and even though my mom said she wanted to provide more clarification and the translation might not be complete and accurate due to the disconnection and we requested to re-take the recording statement but the examiner refused and said she had all the info she needed.

    Until recently, the Geico claim examiner responded and said that my mom would be principally at fault because based on her statement she did not see the vehicle was coming while the other driver said that they were on the suicide lane first and saw her car hit them. We let Geico know that on her statement what she said was that there were no cars in any lane at that time and both car was moving and committed to their left turn at the same time. The claim examiner then told us that the recording statement was the most important and what she admitted in there is the reason why she was at fault. We said that was incorrect and requested a copy of my mom's recording statement for review. The examiner then said she would check if "her team" can send it. Then boom, later on the same day she emailed back and said no savable copy available due to the phone disconnection….We already requested to re-take the statement and she was not responding.

    The other driver does not provide any evidence to back up their claim and so do we, and both party providing different statements, but the claim examiner does not want to defense my mom even for a 50/50 or word against word. She said due to the fact that the other driver has an attorney and both the other driver and their passenger claim bodily injury, my mom should accept fault so that she will not be sued (???)

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what someone in our situation might do? 

    How can the examiner comes to a conclusion that my mom is at fault if no recording available and we already told her that what she had on my mom statement is incorrect?

    Is there anyway we can dispute? What info/docs should we gather for the dispute process?

    We can provide more information if the summary above is not clear. Any guidance would be most appreciated.

    GEICO Claim Examiner Issue
    byu/Such-Wear-2363 inInsurance

    Posted by Such-Wear-2363

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