Up 1 mill on Nvidia…sell? Or just charge phone?


    Posted by DifferenceWest657


    1. WildConsideration376 on

      Welcome to the $2m club..it’s not too many of us here..continue doing what you have done to get here..just try to sleep before 10.

    2. Interesting-Yard4977 on

      Just imagine how easily you can make it to 10 million with 0DTE!

    3. Financial_Fan1763 on

      Charge that thing !!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    4. I’ll give you advise for 100k, I guarantee you will make a million since purchase.

    5. darktidelegend on

      I wish I would of done that
      Everytime they hit a new high I thought that would be it
      You hit the dream trade man
      Doesn’t get better then that

    6. I bought 500 shares at $15 back in 2016~17. Sold in the $50’s thinking that was much better than I could have hoped for. Remember saying to myself, “No one ever went broke taking profits.”

      The regret is real, OP. Put these shares in your will, because NVDA going down apparently breaks the laws of physics

      Edit: I bought Jan 2014 for $15.07 and sold July 2016 for $53.13 for a nice 252% gain. If I had held I would be sitting on $493,000 in gains. **FML**

    7. FruitBunker on

      Before straight up selling I would sell calls on these. Especially since you will soon have 16k shares. Thats 160 calls you can sell at different Strike prices or right now 16.

      This screams “making regular Money”. Could also sell half to lock in but I wouldnt let this position go

    8. Got damnnnn this is in the top gains ive seen 😂 you guys are fucking insane! Charge your phone obviously and send me a share keep the rest because its not done going up

    9. Perfect-Second4891 on

      It’s evil 👿 money
      Stay away
      Or better Send it to me
      I will dispose it off securely

    10. Op:

      From all of us to you specifically: fuck you.

      Also nice work.

      Don’t sell until you have another post to make us all feel like losers please. I say that as a deeply experienced idiot.

    11. supplementaldingdong on

      Sell. Bust me off 10% for the advice then buy the dip and sell again. No need for 10% advisory fee after the first

    12. virtuosissimo on

      If you dont sell at +2348%, you will never sell…make your own conclusions…

    13. One_more_username on

      Sell. Who knows what tomorrow holds, Xi may decide to invade Taiwan.

      If stock, sell some and lock profit. If options, sell all.

    14. You bought 1612 shares at $38.78..? congrats and fuck you lol. Seriously, that is an incredible gain. I’m curious, what were you thinking when you bought those?

      You probably know better than most of us what to do with your position, but I’d suggest waiting for the split and initial run up, then consider starting to sell portions of your position. Althoughh it couldn’t hurt to sell a tiny portion now, like enough to cover your expenses for a year or two, on the off chance the stock stagnates or dips into/after the split. In any case, you’re ballin. Congrats, glhf!

    15. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    16. You should send $100 to whoever responds to this comment. (Start with me pls)

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