Got into a car accident yesterday as I was driving my friends car. We were on the freeway and suddenly the car in front of me stopped very fast I didn’t have enough time to completely stop and swerved a little to the left hitting a car with my fender. Nothing happened to my friends car but the people I hit got damage to their rim, door, and fender. Not an extreme amount of damage but clearly noticeable. They called the cops but they never showed so they decided to just exchange info. My friend provided them with her information because it was her car and she has her insurance this was before we knew that I could have used mine too. No witnesses came forward, there’s no police report, it’s basically considered a he said she said situation right? We have never been involved in accidents and aren’t sure how to proceed with this.

    Seeking accident advice
    byu/Critical-Peace-8466 inInsurance

    Posted by Critical-Peace-8466


    1. Most states insurance follows the vehicle not the driver. The vehicles owners insurance is primary and others may be secondary.

    2. SexyCosplayer on

      >it’s basically considered a he said she said situation right?

      How do you figure it’s he said she said if you DID swerve and hit their vehicle, which based on the location of their damage would be easy enough for anyone who is not a complete and utter moron to see the angle you hit them at?

      Don’t tell me you plan to commit insurance fraud and *lie*, as if that hasn’t been tried and caught billions of times already. 🙄

      Just tell the truth and don’t waste everyone’s time, and if you don’t then have fun reaping the consequences.

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