I wanted to get in the NVDA earnings and bought NVDL 44.5c 24/05. For 2.60 premium (Was trying to buy 45 but I have fat fingers. I’m planning on closing when market opens. But is IV going to kill my gains?
Broker account showing unrealized gain of 475 but IV is 275.5% how does IV work?
Posted by Plastic-Cable
Highly recommend checking out the sticky in the sub and spend some time learning about options before you trade them.
No you’re gonna be up, the share price is 48.45$ so you’re in the money by over 4$ and there still 2 more days that are still gonna have high volatility. But why would you be upset that you bought a deeper itm option lol, the 44.50c will always be worth be then the 45$c, so you’re actually in a better position then you intended lol