NVDA now worth more than TESLA and AMZN combined.


    Posted by MIA3D


    1. Tesla ? Please, until they got Elon out of their ass, it’s overvalued regardless of price.

    2. Makes sense consider Tesla and Amazon and handing over all their profits to Nvidia

    3. Melodic_Fee5400 on

      Seems totally reasonable for a company that didn’t make money for like 20 years. But hey, ai ai ai ai ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Those are the newest boxes of NVDA cuban cigars everyone… Co-nvidiahiba xxxxxxxxxxxx”s, 5 million a box…

    5. interstellar-dust on

      TSLA needs a CEO that shuts up and focuses on running the company instead of gallivanting and complaining on Twitter non-stop.

    6. For good reason. It’s literally the backbone of the largest computer revolution since the Internet. This is the OS for AI. Invest now.

    7. Being worth more than Tesla sounds very reasonable. To this day they still aren’t producing their cars in any comparable scale to other car makers, and there’s the cyber truck situation too.

      But yeah being worth more than Amazon is a feat.

    8. Worried_Quarter469 on

      The real question here is why does Jensen have 20 spatulas in his kitchen on the counter for easy access

    9. campbellsimpson on

      I’m still team AMD (I have not bought a graphics card since 2015) til I die

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