$1.2m nvidia position


    Posted by StonkScott


    1. I don’t know if you remember me but like six years ago you asked to borrow five bucks and said “Six years from now if I ever make a killing on a NVIDIA trade I’ll give you $200k.”

    2. degenbro420 on

      NVDA only goes UP! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Now I can get a small donation? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    3. That’s weird, I have the same numbers but in red. What are your settings?

    4. meh that’s 50%. Lots of people on here have higher percentage gains on NVDA I reckon

    5. I don’t understand buying such deep ITM calls, with options pricing in +/- $50 movement. The gains are really subpar. I looked for plays like Apple and Starbucks when they were in oversold conditions and those popped 400%.

      There’s too many eyeballs on Nvidia, the market cap is so high it’s hard to have dramatic price movements. There’s just better risk vs reward plays out there.

    6. ConferenceThink4801 on

      Congrats. I assume you’re going to hold at least through the split, if not through August & the next earnings report?

      I should be in a similar (yet much smaller) boat with 2 800C contracts expiring late September. I’ll be up $50-60k in August if things continue to go the right way.

      How do you even go about approaching this in terms of taxes? I know that if you have a large tax bill & you don’t get ahead of it via withholding, the IRS can force you to pay estimated taxes the following year (as they are assuming you might have similar additional income next year)…

      However at least in your case, it’s not like you can just do additional withholding at work to cover all of the taxes you’re going to owe…

    7. I remember when I was holding some shares of PALM back in 1999-2000 and I was like “dis shit gonna keep goin’ up!”

      It didn’t.

    8. Fuckers are panic selling. I got 4 contracts and planning to hold it til tomorrow. Fucken gay ass bears. Panic selling

    9. awesome_soldier on

      Good earnings! Don’t forget the trailing stop loss order to minimize profit loss incase of a drop!

    10. No one here understands a strike that far in the money. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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