Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning May 27th, 2024

    Posted by rylar


    1. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      Me on Monday waiting for Tuesday:

      Also I don’t see any of the stocks(AI, CRM, MRVL) that usually benefited from NVDA to match them in guidance or give a strong guidance in general, puts on all of them. The retail stocks are also fucked since guidance will 100% be bad due to their customers being poorer than before. HP might print though, since they really benefited from being a client-partner that sells NVDA servers

    2. Revolution4u on

      You already know salesforce is going to say ai 99x and introduce some retaded new product that is reallt just their old product with a new name.

    3. wild_wild_country on

      I’m shorting CAVA and it’s probably going to annihilate me. I’ve never even seen one of these fuckin things and it seems a bit overvalued at its current price but the market is irrational so it’ll probably moon. I know they want to expand but that costs capital obviously. Maybe they’ll mention AI during the call…

    4. wolf_man007 on

      Dear mods, Memorial Day isn’t really a happy day. It’s for grieving and remembrance. 

    5. FortunaCrypto on

      How strong is impact of consumer confidence, gdp and core pce index on the stocks?

    6. PuzzleheadedOffer749 on

      potential plays here:

      puts on heico

      puts on abercrombie

      puts on american eagle

      puts on crackerbarrel

      calls on costco

      calls on dell

      calls on ulta

      calls on okta

      calls on dollar general

    7. Puts on all software: CRM, ZS, OKTA, BOX, NTAP, MDB.

      Jensen plugged Dell a lot, and it’s quite cheap, but it ran up way too fast. SMCI got clipped after their earnings, it can happen here too.

    8. AdPurple4902 on

      My puts printed on TD canandian bank. Gonna try the same crap shoot at BNS

    9. Mountain_Dimension78 on

      Has Cava run up to much for it to pop again?? Calls or buy the dip….

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