Hi all!

    I wanted to ask for some help with figuring out a bit of a situation. I'm a college student and haven't been insured for about 3 years/haven't been driving 3 years because my university is 500+ miles away from home so it doesn't make sense for me to drive to and from school. Also, just a little over 3 years ago I was in an accident, car totalled. I was on my parent's insurance and the insurance provider said they'd no longer insure me so I'm listed as an excluded driver on their policy.
    This is the first summer I'm going to be home from school and need to drive. My car – a replacement purchased after the accident with the insurance payout – is listed under my dad and I'm name and listed on their insurance policy. Since I'm an excluded driver, the insurance representative said I can't drive my car without removing it from my father's name and from their insurance policy. I thought that after 3 years accidents were no longer considered in insurance underwriting so I don't understand why I couldn't be removed from the excluded drivers policy.

    What would you guys recommend in this situation/what's the best way to get insured in this situation with my car already being on my parents policy yet I am an excluded driver?

    Excluded Driver Trying to Get Insured
    byu/BusinessElectrical38 inInsurance

    Posted by BusinessElectrical38


    1. bigbamboo12345 on

      if your parents’ insurer is not willing to remove the exclusion and list you as a rated driver on their policy, the only options are for your parents to switch to an insurer willing to add you to their policy or to transfer title for the car into your name so that you can buy your own policy

    2. sephiroth3650 on

      If you’re listed as an excluded driver on the policy, then you cannot drive and be covered on that policy. Doesn’t matter how long ago the accident was. So if your parents cannot/will not remove the exclusion, then you’d have to get your own separate policy for yourself/the car.

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