So I made some money last week buying the heavily traded stocks. Sold for a gain at $44k and lost it all and then some in some god awful haymaker play hoping to recoup my total losses overnight and make 30k. Opposite hapoened and then some.

    Im 23, have 100k of school debt (im in a doctoral program currently). I have no idea what to do. Im not working as I'm mainly studying still living at home. This was all the money I saved working before I started school. I've lost $60k total in stocks and I'm at an all time low sanity-wise. I really am hating my life right now and I have no idea what to do. This feels like the end of the road for me. I really hate myself. What do i do….

    Posted by serialforeheadkisser


    1. Aggressive_Blinking on

      “100k in school debt”
      *loses 60k

      My man, you’re the ideal college graduate. Never stop following your dreams, you’re so close to hitting it big. Don’t let those hedge funds scare you away 😉

    2. Why the hell are you trading instead of studying? Where’s your mind at man? Why are you swinging for the fences instead of going into index ETFs?

      You lost money. It’s over with. Move on with studying and forget about stocks until you mature.

    3. waxheartzZz on

      “You were trying to make your life better, don’t hold a grudge.

      You’ve just lost a large sum of money. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You asked someone out and got rejected. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You took a big risk and failed. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You practiced for months and got in last place at the competition. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You studied and studied but got a bad grade. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      Stop being so hard on yourself, you were trying to make your life better. Understand that you are grieving, but don’t allow yourself to hate yourself for having good intentions. Identify the mistakes and move on, but find a way to let it go. Don’t hold a grudge against yourself. “

    4. Im_A_MechanicalMan on

      At 23 you’re an adult but you’re very young.

      The solution is simple — Grow up; stop gambling, throw yourself entirely into your doctoral studies, graduate, and get a job to pay off your debts. Put money into a fund and slowly accumulate wealth, provide a service to your community in your job, and be a decent, responsible human being.

    5. LostRedditor5 on

      What you’re seeing is the expected return of gambling

      You got lucky on your first round made some scratch but the longer you do it the higher expectations of losses are

      That’s why gambling exists bud. It’s not to enrich you.

      You should stop playing with money you don’t have. Get a job I know you’re in school but you can work too it’ll just suck.

    6. Adventurous_Cost_591 on

      Put it all in SPY and delete Robinhood. Come back in a decade and it should be back

    7. Somedudefromaplacep on

      You guys loose more money then I have ever had at one moment. I failed financially

    8. crahamgrackered on

      Bro you’re gonna be a doctor and you have $13k in your pocket to pay your bills for now. Stop investing outside of a 401k. You’ll make that cheddar back in no time after you finish school.

    9. Sufficient-Comment on

      “Excuse me but I’d like a second opinion…. Yes I prefer drs who arnt degenerate gamblers”

    10. Everyone telling you to stop trading is stupid. Most investors quit before they hit big.

      Buckle up I got a game plan for you. Tomorrow morning at exactly 9:30 am you buy as many call options for SMCI that are at the money. Set a timer for 15 minutes and walk away and come back and sell.

    11. I’m 35 with a house and kid and lost 100K. Take this as a lesson and try to get a job and focus on your career.

    12. Stop gambling. You should only be gambling with money that youre ok with losing

    13. unwanted_hair on

      Stop trading immediatley.

      Pay off the debt.

      Open a high yield savings account and contribute $500/mo or whatever you can afford.

    14. Human_Roboto on

      You still got money..

      And wtf is all this people from the investor sub here. Go back to your etf club this is wsb🤣🤣

    15. courtofharlets on

      You got one more in ya, third times the charm afterall. Go big or go home

    16. Stop gambling. You’re not trading, you’re gambling. You’re jumping on bandwagons to get rich overnight, and now you’re trapped.

      You don’t respect or understand the value of a dollar. Gained $44k and lost it, and then tried to revenge gamble and lost even more. The $44k (minus capital gains tax) should have went straight to a debt.

      Your mental state is a reflection of psychologicals in trading, though again, you’re not trading, but the psychologicals have taken over and controlled you now.

      Take a break. Focus on your education since that’s what you consciously chose for your future. No one wants to see you fail, but continuing down a “recoup / revenge” will only make matters worse.

      Accept your losses, take a break, regroup / recharge / recompose, and do some recreational activities to clear your mind; sports, gym, meditation, etc.

      Wish you all the best bro, keep your head up. Losses happen, but it’s how you deal with them that shapes your future.

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