I’ve seen a lot of people who claim to earn $100 million, $200 million making YouTube videos about how to become like them. Are these people real? Is their advice any good? If they are running such massive businesses, what are they doing on YouTube?

    Why do people who claim to earn $100 million, $200 million make YouTube videos?
    byu/AccomplishedPie1255 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by AccomplishedPie1255


    1. Scary_Trade_9287 on

      Hint: they make more money selling the course than their “other business”

    2. effyochicken on

      When you have a few millions dollars it’s trivially easy to make it LOOK like you have a hundred million. Rent a mansion, rent a lambo, buy some brand name clothes, etc..

    3. Far-Potential3634 on

      Mr. Beast makes a silly amount of money on Youtube. He may have a lot of good ideas about video making and engagement and has courses available. He has 240 million subscribers and makes around 5 million a month on Youtube, so in cases like his where there are silly subscriber numbers Youtube is the massive business. Many video creators with less than a million subscribers use Patreon to make a living. Lots of people have made Youtube courses to make some extra money and I’m sure some of them are good. Probably one of the first things they tell you is you have to find a niche you’re passionate about but one that also has enough potential subscribers out to build enough of a following to at least make a living at it. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Youtubers are lying about their income to sell courses though.

    4. TheChipmunkX on

      Becoming famous I guess. Plus its good to have multiple income streams. YouTube pays a shit ton of money once you get past 200k or so subscribers. Especially in the finance space

    5. I-hate-sunfish on

      >If they are running such a massive business, what are they doing on YouTube?

      Yeah you are spot on. These people are a scam. They make money primarily by selling course to people to be like them.

      You might be young or new to the wonderful world of life ruining fake gurus so here’s some top fake gurus list:

      – Tai Lopez

      – Gary V

      – Dak Lok

      – Ricky Gutierrez

      – Grant Cardone

      – Dan Pina

      – Tanner Fox

      – Jordan Belford

      – Kevin David

      Unless the person you are listening to is better known by his company (mostly people associated with Y combinator) then it’s probably a scam.

    6. Anyone telling you that they have X million dollars in the bank over social media is lying to you. These people are often outright scammers/frauds or pretenders trying to sell things to people and therefore just attempting to create an illusion to falsify credibility.

      People earning that much money will not be making YouTube videos, unless it’s for their company (i.e. it won’t be as an individual, it will be associated with a company or brand). Most wealthy people are rather private and often lose more than they gain from personal fame – and have little to no incentive to share their money making strategies with random people.

    7. They’re just lying. They make 99% of their money through selling these courses and the money they make from that is not even $1 mil, let alone $100 mil lol

    8. Naive_Ad3026 on

      There are people that make a sh*t ton of money that make Youtube videos. I think the key thing to separate the fake gurus and the people that are legit are whether or not they sell courses. If they sell courses they’re fake gurus.

      The others that have big Youtube followings can actually use it as a marketing tool to drive customers to their company’s for a negative CAC (meaning they get paid to acquire customers). Actually a smart strategy.

      Examples like the Hormozi’s and Alex Becker are not fake gurus. They don’t sell courses and you can easily verify they have legit businesses. The Hormozi’s business (Acquisition dot com) you can easily verify that they bought the former UFC headquarters. You can’t fake that. You can easily verify that Alex Becker sold his company Hyros for 9 figs.

      But yeah as some of the others stated the Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, and Tim Sykes types are clearly fake gurus trying to take your money with bs courses and seminars.

    9. Erwinblackthorn on

      Courses, merch, business making videos for other people (with contacts), sponsorships, and public events.

      Some even flip channels/companies and tie that into their YouTube business.

    10. Professional_Hair550 on

      I was watching one dude giving business advice claiming that someone asked him 10k for this advice but he didn’t sell it and now he is giving it for free because he doesn’t care about money as he is already rich and have enough money himself.
      I immediately turned off my adblocker and saw 5 ads back by back and I wrote f*ck off in the comments. Then he replied to me saying that he will donate the money coming from youtube ads to orphans or something. I was like sure scammer. Those id*ots think everone is d*mb

    11. Almost nobody will sell how they make money as it just increases competition for their business strategy. It’s also why it’s so hard to get useful help here in r/Entrepreneur cause if you’re too specific you might just put yourself out of business.

      The get rich quick schemes are because they’re lying. They often renting places to appear wealthier or more successful than they are. People assume cause they’re in nice clothes, in an expensive car, that it’s theirs.

      Their advice likely can be found in a $13 self help book but isn’t as flashy.

    12. Lmao who is claiming they make $100M on YouTube? The top earners are making $10-20M a year, a few higher. But I’ve never seen anyone making wild claims of 8 figure earnings. This is a troll post

    13. Remember when you were a kid, and believed everything? Used to click on the shady links, or downloaded hacks… yeah that’s their target audience.

    14. TheMimicMouth on

      $100m in revenue isn’t nearly as hard if you’re willing to make 0 net. Even then who’s to say they’re even making the revenue they claim.

    15. Negative-Departure-1 on

      So they can continue to keep making millions? Rich people want to keep rich lifestyles

    16. WickedRatios on

      Oke not everyone is lying about their wealth but that is the case with some… In my opinion it’s because they feel obligated to leave there knowledge behind and some people just want more passive income

    17. WestAnalysis8889 on

      Are you assuming that a wealthy person would just travel all the time? 

      I have a friend who retired early and is wealthy. He is actually pretty depressed. It really makes him happy to help others when he can. He’s a software engineer and an introvert so he can tolerate a lot of alone time. However, he still enjoys helping by working on projects. 

      I think you are assuming that what you would do is what everyone would do.

      Not everyone’s main goal in life is to do nothing at all. 

    18. I think one of the worst offenders I’ve seen recently is a guy selling Saas courses because he recently cleared a million (can’t recall if he said profit or revenue).

      Anyways, someone who bought the course was publicly asking him when he plans to add the content to the course….this guy was selling a course with no content at all.

    19. markievegeta on

      There are some people I follow who have public exits of their sold companys. Sam Parr is an example.

      He said that they keep the personal brand building going, so that they can leverage their audience when building a new company.

    20. sketchyuser on

      Hormozi is pretty transparent about why.. it gives him deal flow for his PE firm to acquire and it increases his brand value.

    21. secondtimesacharm23 on

      I mean….look at Ryan’s Toy Review. It’s definitely possible.

    22. Depends who the creator is. Some top level creators like hormozi, Sam ovens, and potentially Codie Sanchez are probably up in there in terms of the asset values of theirs business.

      It just attracts a lot of eyes on you and having that brand is really what differentiates them from the many other say PE firms, business owners, etc.

      It’s a great place to get deals sent your way, hire best talent, and even promote products, etc.

      However to that point, theirs also a lot of BS’ers out there that just try and sell you the dream to sell the course or a community membership.

      I think if used wisely and audience can be very very valuable. It’s just like a tool, you can use to to create insane leverage (equity value) or just use it the wrong way (chasing Pennies)

    23. If I ever come across 100 mill I will go in hibernation, tell no one, and no one will hear from me again..

    24. Anyone using the word hustle is a scammer. Hustle means I suck at systems, management and business in general. It sceeams look busy peopele are watching.

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