My sister recently got into a small accident while using my grandpa’s car. She unfortunately isn’t listed on the car insurance. She says it was a small accident while parking where she barely hit the other car but definitely touched it, so the other driver went ahead and called the police and she gave the information for my grandpa’s insurance.

    At the moment, my grandpa is out of the country without a way to make calls to a number in the US. We’ve called his insurance company and because my sister is not listed on his insurance, they can’t move forward with the accident claim until they speak with my grandpa himself. All we can do really is wait until my grandpa comes home so he can contact the insurance.

    The issue now is that the other driver is saying we’re just trying to ‘delay the process’ as much as possible and is sending messages threatening to call the police on my sister if we don’t get my grandpa in contact with the insurance company immediately. I guess all im wondering is if my sister will get into legal trouble for this? We’ve given my the insurance company as much information as we could provide on our end.

    Used someone else’s car?
    byu/beaisbaby inInsurance

    Posted by beaisbaby


    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      Was this the one time use? Does she live with your grandpa? Does she drive the vehicle regularly? does she have her own insurance?

      He can email due to the circumstances.

    2. adjusterjack on

      The police aren’t going to do anything. The car is insured. That’s all they care about. Tell the guy he can wait or use his own insurance and then stop talking to him.

    3. Forgive me for being vulgar, but fuck the other driver lol.

      Wait for grandpa to contact them. As long as it’s considered permissive use it’ll likely be covered.

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