Looking for next plays


    Posted by Wolfpack-rider


    1. secondtrades on

      I looked at your history, it’s no wonder why you lost so much. Sucks man. You’re doing puts and calls, which I have no idea how that works. Crypto is hot right now because the “halving” just happened last month. Look at RIOT, MARA, BITF, WULF etc and some other crypto plays.

      Full disclosure, I’m heavily in RIOT and BITF

      Good luck, turn it around man

    2. I’m yolod in CORZ, the stock not options. It pulled me out of a huge loss.

    3. NoQuantity7733 on

      At least you didn’t do something stupid with it like buy a house or pay for a college education

    4. Hugheston987 on

      Congratulations, you still have more money left than I’ve ever had in my account. You should pause for now.

    5. Man…. Sometimes I think I had it bad. You guys humble me on a regular. What do you do for a living where you had THAT MUCH CASH, yet managed to blow up that much of it?

    6. Remzztrades on X has a ton of good plays I’ve been using. Just don’t yolo everything, maybe use half AT MOST 😂🤝

    7. Chuck what’s left into alibaba and forget about it for 3 years. Currently only $80 a share 

    8. johnjonesnewphone on

      Put it all in shitcoins and wait for alt coin season in a few months

    9. Turbulent_Object_558 on

      OP should ask himself if he would prefer to have 27k or exactly 0 because those are the two most likely outcomes

    10. How do people on this sub manage to lose so much so fast. Does nobody here do any kind of research lol

    11. Commercial_Ease8053 on

      Is this loss of $155k really not a big deal for you? That’s double the annual salary of the average American, and half the annual salary even of many doctors…

      How are you not depressed af 😂?

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